
Fuck, I’m always anxious, People.
Every morning I wake up on the edge of a cliff wondering whether or not I can find the bridge to my day. Oh, and the ground is shaking. And it’s raining and windy. No one is wearing masks. I’m fucking wearing boxers.

In truth, the weather has been amazing in California. The quiet has been disconcerting and the plague has been devastating. Calm before a continuous storm. That doesn’t make sense. A break within a hurricane of virus and anger.

Days after King Chaos Pig unleashed his animals to vape, smoke, shit, piss, break, steal, climb, deface and destroy the capital it seems that there is some attempt on behalf of law enforcement to track down some of the perpetrators and charge them. Justice? Maybe.

Why were they all so confident in their actions that they were shameless about revealing themselves, proudly? Delusional or a plan? Selfies, showmanship, smugness. Are they stupid or was this part of the theatrics? Was this all just a show to prove it was possible? Was it enabled on the ground? Who the fuck left the back door open? Is that particular door always open, institutionally?

For a bunch of paranoiacs that believe 5G harkens the end of all things and it is only a matter of time before we all are implanted with chips in our head, or most likely our arms through vaccinations, they sure are easy to track. Everyone is already chipped, tagged. We embrace it. We post pics, all of our feelings, share links, use our GPS, look at our phones looking at us and we find it comforting. So, that whole part of the big plan seems shallow if not bogus. They just want power over all of it but are still beholden to the machines that make life now.

Big tech shut it all down. Is it censorship or the free market protecting itself? If we all hadn’t interfaced so completely with all the algorithms that seem unavoidable we would be able to say we have freedom of choice in relation to who we are, but we barely do. We have all been designed, mined and predicted by our choices that we share. The singularity is here, we are the products. We are content. Our beings have become binary. Souls, hostages.

Trending: What should I be doing?

Lists: This or that?

Content: Distraction profiteering.

Personality: Template.

Character: Résumé.

Self: Brand.

That said, I’m happy big tech sees fascism as dangerous and murderous mobs as a threat to society. Better late than never. Everything and everyone involved is scrambling to distance themselves from the fire they helped fan. They are all smoking and smoldering as they run and hide from the destructive primal instincts they triggered.

I did some yoga the other day. It felt good. It didn’t solve much. I’m still meditating which I will say is helping me be me in my body and mind.

I’m just a comic, rambling.

Today I talk to Nicole Kidman. Do I need to say more about that? It was exciting. Thursday, I talk to Kate Winslet which hasn’t happened as of me writing this. I’m nervous. We’ll see.


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
