The Golf Bug.

I’m done, People!

And sick. 

We wrapped last Friday night. We shot ten episodes. The first one feels like it happened years ago. It’s a strange feeling. A shoot is a very intense, very real community. You’re with the same people for months. Everyone has specific jobs and some of those jobs are brushing your face and hair many times a day. Among many others, obviously. 

It was sort of crazy that for the entire shoot there were no real weather issues. Minor ones, maybe. Then, the last night, Friday the 13th, It poured and we had to change up the last three scenes. No issues until the last three scenes. Crazy. 

I have to say the whole experience was great. All the people that worked on the show were really nice, professional. Like, no problems. They even put up with me. I can get a bit grumpy but I think on the spectrum of annoying behavior of actors in general, I’m in the ok zone. Most of my grumpiness is self-generated and has nowhere to go but back in so I tend to share it. If it's too intense, I make up for it somehow. Usually by not being grumpy. It’s a delicate balance. 

I think the show is going to be good. It’s touching and emotional and funny and the relationships are human and there's golf. Lots of golf.

I will report that I did not get the golf bug. TaylorMade sent me a set of clubs so I’m not saying I won't, but I didn’t after being around it for months. It’s intimidating. I can tell from the nature of it, just as an addict, that if you have one good game or even one great shot, you may chase that feeling for the rest of your life. On the surface and under it, that seems frustrating to me. I had one or two good shots off camera that really connected. I get the buzz. It might have been enough though. We’ll see. 

It was great working with Owen Wilson. We got along very well. Sweet guy. Funny. Real professional. All the cast was great. Peter Dager, Marianna Treviño and Lilli Kay were the core bunch. Timothy Olyphant and Judy Greer came on later. Great bunch of actors. I learned a lot. 

I was antsy to get home though. I needed to get back to my life. I was ready. I was going to jump right back into standup and talking to people and being at my house. It was urgent. After we wrapped, I was all packed and ready to go. That last night in Vancouver I crashed and at some point during the night I felt congested. It felt like I was coming down with something. Which isn’t unusual after a shoot. Your body holds it off for weeks and then just lets go. 

I flew home not feeling great but I was happy to get home. I was tired of sitting around by myself waiting to shoot or wandering around Vancouver alone. I was feeling isolated and a bit crazy. Saturday I felt ill. I woke up stuffed up. I figured I should get a Covid test because I had standup and talks to do. 

Fucking positive. 

So, now I get to sit around and be isolated at home. Which I guess is better. I had to cancel some interviews and the two warm up shows in LA at Dynasty and Elysian. It kills me to cancel shit. I hate it. I think it’s the right thing to do though. I don’t know what other people are doing or if people even test anymore but I guess all that trauma of the pandemic made me understand that it’s my responsibility. 

I don’t feel too sick but I am bummed. I’m trying to look at it as forced relaxation. I’ll read, work on my lines for my movie, do some cleaning, hang out with my dumb cats.

I’m going to fucking lose it.

I think I may need to finally get a food delivery app. I don’t know how I’ve avoided it this long.

Today I talk to Eric Roberts. Intense guy. On Thursday I talk to Jason Ritter. Deep guy. Great talks!


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
