Chris Garcia

Episode 742 - Chris Garcia

Comedian Chris Garcia thought his upbringing was fairly typical as the son of first-generation immigrants, with stories and experiences that paved the way nicely for a career in comedy. But Chris tells Marc that a recent trip to Cuba and the discoveries made there changed everything he knew about his family, particularly his father. This episode is sponsored by SquarespaceMeUndiesZipRecruiter, and Blue Apron.

Episode 342 - Andy Dick, Chris Garcia, Ron Lynch, Lance Bangs, Jim and Eddie

It’s Live WTF from the Riot LA Alternative Comedy Festival. Andy Dick shows up with a very Andy Dick entourage. Chris Garcia proves you can find humor in anything. Ron Lynch remembers giving Louis CK his first gig. Lance Bangs describes the most shocking thing he saw while shooting Jackass. Plus, Jim Earl and Eddie Pepitone close things out as only they can. This episode is sponsored by Click on the radio mic and enter WTF to start a no-risk trial.