Peace, People.
We’ve had a pause. A dark reprieve. A little quiet.
While the monster has been in the hospital, it’s amazing how even the air has seemed lighter. My phone isn’t a terrorist in my pocket screaming about shattering my country and breaking my mind every ten minutes. My endorphins aren’t jacked with fear and concern and feelings of helplessness and fury.
What I have learned over the last few days is really just how much air and space that asshole sets on fire every day. It is so nice to have this calm as he sits in the darkness of disease surely learning nothing and reflecting on nothing other than his own fear and his own future.
You would hope that the angry, delusional followers of this beast will have a come-to-Jesus moment. Seeing his humanity, in the form of succumbing to an illness he has trivialized for months, leading to the infection of millions and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Maybe some of his supporters will, at the very least, start to take it fucking seriously so more of us don’t have to die. Because this president is no leader. He’s a cowardly enabler of the worst impulses and actions of humans.
Maybe a few will wake the fuck up and behave like adults.
Who knows?
I can honestly say I don’t really care whether he dies or not. I don’t wish it upon him but he is one of the worst examples of the human species in the history of humans. I’m not saying he deserves it or that he has it coming. We all have it coming. I would actually rather see him voted out, dramatically. I would like to see the system he has tried to destroy take him down in a purely American way. Repudiate him.
He has no respect for anything and only cares about himself and his selfishness has left thousands to die in this country.
He believes in nothing. He is not a man of God. He was not chosen by God. If there is a God I’m willing to bet that God finds him unbearable.
It seems that this whole shattering of the illusion through disease took place at the nomination ceremony of the new Supreme Court justice. A seemingly fanatically religious Catholic woman out to set back women's rights decades, if not permanently. It was like a celebration of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she had Yahweh’s ear and shit was brought down upon the travesty. Old Testament-style. Plague, fuckers.
Vote this fucker out. Enough is enough. Don’t be suckers.
My hand is doing better.
Today I talk to John Cusack about acting and stuff. On Thursday I talk to Wynton Marsalis about jazz and race and stuff. Good talks!
Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
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