The Process.

Okay, People…

I guess everything is back to normal? I have no idea what the rules are. Is it business-to-business in terms of masks?

I go some places, like supermarkets, and it seems that masks are still required but seemingly optional for some and no one seems to be enforcing anything. Meanwhile, restaurants are just full on fuck-it out here. I’m fine with it. I’ve been fine with it. I’m vaxxed. I’m all about the fuck it. Also, still about the fuck you to all those who didn’t get vaxxed and are riding on the coattails of the true patriots and bonafide fucking grown-ups who did get jabbed so we could have our freedom back. That’s just the way it goes. On the plus side, it’s now an ‘issue’ they can shut the fuck up about. Babies. They should all be embarrassed.

I’m still on mostly a sugar detox diet and I don’t think I’m losing much weight. I guess I don’t really need to but I wanted to lose a little for something to do I guess. To have some sense of control in these odd times. I can feel the crackle of chaos on the periphery of my consciousness. It’s making me anxious even if I’m making it up. So what better way to combat fear and powerlessness than to diet. It gives me focus, order, discipline, structure and all the tools I need to combat self-judgement and self-hatred. Unless it’s not really working, which it isn’t. So, I’m increasing both.

I’m healthier though. I mean I must be, right? No carbs, very little sugar (not on purpose), no nasty sugar substitutes (aspartame). I must be so much healthier. I eat more nuts than I thought possible, hence the lack of weight loss. It’s better all-around. Except now the binge fantasies are coming, the fires are coming, the economic collapse, all the good stuff. The sugar on my periphery.

I’ve been through all of this before. I think it has something to do with my creative process. I need the slow spiral, the cycles, the discontent, to keep my brain engaged and uncomfortable and agitated. I wouldn’t say I’m doing it on purpose but it seems to be what I do. It’s silly and predictable but I never really see it coming. It always feels fresh.

It’s working. The material is coming and I am engaged and enraged and excited on stage. Weeks ago I wasn’t sure I really wanted to or could do comedy anymore. Now, I’m starting to crave longer sets. I’m running the light at the club and that’s good for me but not a great habit to get into. Pisses off my fellow comics. I’m looking forward to the Dynasty Typewriter shows. I believe there are more tickets available now.

Today I talk to Ellen Burstyn about her long and eventful career in show biz. Great actress. One of the best. On Thursday I talk to Erik Griffin, comedian. We do what we comics do when we talk. Great talks!


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
