In the Music.

I rocked it pretty well, Folks!

The combo played Largo. We have no name for the band because I wasn’t sure we were going to be a band for the long haul and obviously we may not be. I do think we will do it again in a couple months.

The experience was great. I was so honored that Jimmy Vivino played with us. He played the whole night with us. This is a guy who used to teach me licks every time I did Conan. I would be more excited to be surprised by whatever guitar he put in my dressing room to noodle on than I would be to do the show. Over the years he gave me a lot of quick lessons. Towards the end of the show format that had the whole band, he let me sit in. He would let me play a couple of tunes when he was playing with his band somewhere. Last weeks, he was playing in my band. I could barely handle it initially.

He said it’s not a competition. We are equals here. So cool.

I really wasn’t that nervous. I was more worried I would fuck up. I wasn’t scared. Just wanted shit to land and I wanted to stay in the present, grounded. No disappearing or leaving my body.

I couldn’t stop thinking, ‘Lynn would’ve LOVED this!’ She would have. She wanted it for me. She would’ve been 56 last Friday. Hard day.

For those of you who know the backstory, I believe I resolved my trauma from music camp and now want to get a bit more experience playing with other musicians and in front of people.

That’s the major thing I realized. I don’t have those kind of chops on any level. If I want them I’ll have to earn them. I still feel like an amateur, which I am, but I can be me in the music for whatever that is worth.

The only dubious call was to play the dirge-like ‘Isis’ which is a long ass Dylan song that not everyone knows. Risky. Got a little wobbly in the middle of that one. I thought they may have been bored or ready to go. I really don’t know how the whole thing was received. Like, were people just happy I did it or was it enjoyable to listen to.

I’ll figure that out later.

Today I talk to Billie Jean King about her life. Thursday, I have a loopy conversation with Zoe Lister-Jones about her new movie ‘How It Ends’ and her career. Fun talks.


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
