No pressure.

Hey, Chicago (and everyone else),

I’m doing a few dates this weekend but I will be taping my special in Chicago this Saturday. June 6th. 7:30 and 10PM. Look, I know there’s a hockey game but it’s the second game in a best-of-7 series. It will be okay if you miss it. Or, better yet, just come to the late show. It’s at The Vic Theater and it will be good. I’d like to see you there. I expect to see you there. Just come. I don’t want to have to bring people in that don’t know me as well as you. I’m relying on you. I need you there. No pressure.

I’m heading back out to do some dates. If you live in Cleveland, Chicago and Minneapolis, I will be there this weekend. Check the calendar for the dates.

I get a little panicked when I have to travel. It’s not about the traveling so much as the shift. I just got my home legs back and I was feeling grounded. Getting into a routine and now I’m going out. My cats freak out. Well, Monkey does. LaFonda doesn’t seem to give a shit. I freak out. Even though I have someone taking care of shit at the house it’s still a source of panic. Maybe I like panic. At the very least I’m comfortable with it. I am tired of it though. Jesus, life is short. I guess I like to get as much worry in as possible.

Speaking of panic I was out of the prescription food that I feed Monkey. He has the bladder thing. I called my vet and they were out. They weren’t getting another shipment in for a week. I asked them if prescription food is like a people prescription and could they just call it in to another vet. Could I get the script and bring it to be filled by another vet that might have the food? They said that is exactly how it works. Now, mind you, we’re talking about food, not narcotics or even medication. Food. Look, I’ve had issues with my vet. Hell, I’ve talked about them on the show. Sometimes they are great, sometimes not so great for different reasons. The one thing I have always felt about my vet is that they care about people and animals. It’s about money to a certain degree and I have called bullshit on them but usually the do okay by me. So when I reached out to another vet just to fill a food prescription and they tried to play me I got a little furious. I had heard that The Village Vet was a good vet. When I hear "good" I take that to mean they give a shit about animals. I was in a bind. I called to see if they would fill the FOOD script and they said they couldn’t without seeing the animal. I told them I had a vet and the script and they said no. I was livid on principle. It reeked of a cash grab. Los Feliz Small Animal Hospital filled it immediately and said they would keep me on record if it happened again and they are right down the street from my vet. That’s good business and a good vet. Thanks for that.

Anyway, on today's show I talk to my pal Jerry Stahl for a bit and then me and Haley Joel Osment get into it about the child actor thing and surviving that. On Thursday the hilariously opinionated Kurt Metzger and I push the envelope a bit.


Boomer lives!
