Fall, Occupy Wall Street, and shelves.

Hello, Comrades.

First off, here are some gigs. I will be at The Punchline in San Francisco Nov. 2nd through 5th. I will be in Seattle at The Neptune Theater Nov. 25th. I will be appearing on Jackie Kashian’s Dork Forrest live podcast at The Comedy Meltdown space in LA on Oct. 20th if you want to come to that.

Hey, also, if you haven’t checked out the new WTF YouTube channel check it out!

I love fall. There is something about the quality of the air and the briskness of the breeze that makes me feel alive and nostalgic. Unfortunately, I live in LA. So, fall comes and goes in an hour or so. It’s this time of year that makes me miss the east coast. Yom Kippur came and went and I did nothing. I don’t feel bad about it. I rationalize it. I was born on Kol Nidre and I think that gives me a lifetime pass. I am always atoning a little bit.

My biggest issue right now is fighting being overwhelmed. My brain is spinning with bullshit. Small tasks seem daunting. It is amazing what I will talk myself out of. The amount of time it takes to change everything for the better is dwarfed by the dread of actually taking the action to change it. If this seems philosophical or over analytical, rest assured, it is. I am talking about building a free standing shelving unit for my kitchen. I do this with everything. I had free tickets to see Nick Lowe the other night. So, me and the girl thought we would go out to dinner then go to the show for a night out. The thought of driving to the restaurant, parking, making the show on time, dealing with the crowd, sitting for that long and maybe wanting to leave just spun me into a panic that lead to a paralysis. It’s fucking ridiculous. I just wanted to sit at home and watch Chopped.

I am happy to report that we went to the show and it was great. I am also happy to report that I built the shelves and my life is completely different now. I can walk around my kitchen and I have a place to put shit. It took an hour.

I also want to report that in support of the Occupy Wall Street protesters I sent an email to my cousin who is a stockbroker. It basically said, “Give us our country back and then kill yourself." I’m not sure how he will take it. I haven’t talked to him since we were 14. I am also beginning to write ‘Fuck You!’ on all of my deposit slips. I am planning to say ‘fuck you’ at everything in my house that is made by a corporation on the stock exchange. That seems overwhelming. I am dreading that. I might stand in my yard and say ‘fuck you’ at the house. We’ll see. Baby steps. That might make the neighbors think I’m weird.

Great shows this week. Monday is a Live From the Bell House show. It is a great. The wonderful Amy Sedaris appears with Leo Allen, Julie Klausner, Mike Lawrence and the irritating but endearing Sam Seder. On Thursday I talk to comedy veteran Jack Gallagher about the biz and what it is like to raise an autistic child. Powerful stuff.
