
How’s it going, Folks?

Hope everything is okay. Good enough. Not horrible. I miss status quo. This fanatical Christian racist authoritarian clusterfuck is exhausting most days. I hope the voting works when it's time.

Other than that, and the perpetual state of self-criticism I’m usually in, everything is pretty good. I know it sounds like a small sliver of a wedge of good in the Maron psychological pie chart but that’s generally what I am working with. Seems to help with my creativity, sadly.

I’ve been doing a lot of comedy. Right back into the bit-making process. After I dump an hour-plus into a special those bits usually just naturally die in my mind. I don’t think to do them anymore. At least not in the same form I had. Some ideas recur throughout my entire career it seems. They are parts of what I guess is my ongoing conversation with the world OR an indication that on some level, probably emotional and psychological, I am spinning my wheels. I guess if I spin them in new ways that feels like growth. Get that car rocking forward and back a bit to get out of the mud. Seems like that is my life’s work. Maybe eventually I will jettison myself out of this slippery hole and keep moving onward up the mountain. Fortunately, there is plenty going on around me so my perception is being hammered at daily and that gets me thinking and trying to make sense, trying to understand and make it funny.

I’m happy new bits are coming so I have them for upcoming dates in Europe and they can create a bed of material to work from as I develop the new chunks. I want to revisit some big bits that were never really released in the world and get them on the record so to speak. I also had some kind of mental breakthrough around how I approach material while I was dehydrated and lost on a hike the other day. I set out again to learn about the massive park by my house. I looked at a map of all the hikes and embarked on a loop which seemed manageable but there was no mileage scale. I put Miles Davis on in my head and got lost in that and then, before I knew it, I was in a no turning back situation in the middle of an 8-mile loop with a little bottle of water. I felt that jazz, the structure. Start with a phrase you can come back to and maybe some sense of an ending and just depart in between on the riffs. I have thought about it before but it never quite made sense to me in what I do with comedy in such a clear way.

We’ll see what happens. Oh, and I made it down from the mountain.

Today I talk to Heather Graham about her new movie ‘Half Magic’ and her career and a couple of bad situations. Plus, a short talk with the returning Sebastian Maniscalco. On Thursday I talk to Duncan Jones about writing and directing his new film ‘Mute’ and I try, unsuccessfully, not to bring up his dad too much. Also, my buddy Brendon Small stops by. Great talks.


Boomer lives!




Go deep, People!

Like every year, I didn’t watch the Super Bowl. There was no malice or judgement in my decision.  I didn’t actively not watch it like I was thinking I wasn’t watching it. I don’t watch it or any other football ever. So, it just doesn’t register. I guess there are other reasons to watch like ‘amazing’ commercials or the halftime show but neither of those seemed that exciting either. I just didn’t do anything. Well, actually I went on a confusing hike and got scared. Then I came home to write this and eat air-pop popcorn in my gym shorts.

I understand that Super Bowl Sunday is basically a holiday in the USA. It certainly has more resonance than probably any other holiday especially at this juncture in history. It’s about winning and losing and tribal loyalty. Much like our political climate which is not about governing or belief in America or the Constitution. It’s about tribal loyalty and winning at any cost by any means possible even if it kills people or destroys the system and rule of law. That’s why Super Bowl Sunday is so powerful. It’s becoming aspirational in the sense that there are still rules and if a team loses they understand no one has to die unnecessarily or leave the country because of it and they can kneel at the beginning and not be fired.

I just went up to this park nearby which has some trails. I am not that familiar with it and I was heading up into the hills about a half hour before sundown. Half running, thinking that the trail would be easy. Then, no trail. Or, maybe trail. Seemed harder than it should be. I went up a ravine and something smelled bad, like death. So, instead of continuing I chose not to. As I scurried down the rocks I asked myself if I was being cowardly. What if there was a dead person up there? Then I thought, well, I couldn’t help them. I thought it was probably an animal and then I thought I don’t know what killed it and I don’t want to be next. 

I was listening to music through my headphones and I turned them off because I had gotten myself into a mountain-lion-or-crazy-person-in-the-bushes-with-a-knife-panic and the trail was still dubious. As I plodded down a dry creek I must’ve hit play with my keys in my pocket and Elvis Costello’s ‘Beyond Belief’ blasted into my head and in that second I thought it was a rattlesnake and I jumped and screamed alone in the setting sun. When I realized I was okay I put my music back on and Spiritualized's ‘Shine a Light’ came up on the shuffle as I walked toward the setting sun and back into the parking lot. Alive.

I stopped by Seafood City in Eagle Rock Plaza which I believe is a Filipino market. I had it in my head to get my cats some dried fish but all the ones they had there were salted. So I bought them some freshly defrosted anchovies and brought them home and they wanted nothing to do with them. They just played with them and spread fish germs all over the place. The market was intense. There was a lot of whole fishes and vegetables and fruits I had never seen before. I have to get out more. I have to buy a durian.

Today on the show I talk to Riki Lindhome about her show on Comedy Central, starting out in LA, Garfunkel and Oates and other stuff. Also, Laurie Kilmartin stopped over to talk about her new book. On Thursday me and actor/playwright Tracy Letts get into it about all the stuff. Love that guy. Good talks.


Boomer lives!



A Blur.

Hello, Friends.

Weird way to open. I feel like I’ve never said ‘Hello, Friends.’ Feels like bad news should come after that or that I’m moving on from the company or the company is closing. Then after that some kind of forced gratitude that comes from having nothing else to say happens. None of that is happening. Just needed a new way to start. Seemed frank, up front. Hello. Friends. Now I regret it. I guess I could’ve just deleted it and gone with something else because now shit feels heavy.

Hey, People!

Shooting is done. The second season of GLOW is wrapped. It’s an odd thing. Having a job that is pretty all consuming for a few months and then it’s just done. Over. A shoot becomes a community, like a small town with one restaurant and everyone works at the same place doing a lot of very different things. Occasionally dozens of strangers come by to hang out. Then it’s just over and everyone goes their separate ways. I guess there’s some relief in it but it’s weird. I think it’s going to be a great season. I have no recollection of almost any of it. A blur. 

I didn’t really plan any time off. I just keep working. Getting back into the standup heavy so I I have some new stuff to tour with. Doing the talking to the people. Working on the houses. Trying to get the cat ranch patched up and looking good. Trying to get the new place looking like someone lives there. And trying not to spiral into panic every day for one reason or another. It’s working out ok. 

Maybe someday I will just feel at peace with who I am and my life. I have moments, hours even, that are then ruined by impending doom of all varieties and not only in my mind. Many are up there, though. I guess I can try to temper those. I do.

Obviously not a lot to say today. Tired.

Today on the show I talk Rita Moreno. A LEGEND. Great actress, great stories, great person. On Thursday I talk to singer and musician Ezra Furman. I really like his records and I was curious about him so I had him over. Also, I talk a little bit with David Wain on Thurday too about his new movie.


Boomer lives!



New Garage.

Folks! How goes it?

I’m writing this Sunday. I have to get dressed soon. I have to put on my fancy pants and go to the SAG Awards. I’m excited about this one. I am nominated for Best Male Actor in a Comedy Series and Alison is nominated for Best Female Actor. The entire ensemble is nominated for GLOW. So, we’ll all be there. I hear this one is a fun one. Classy. It’s still a long day but I think it will be good. This is a room full of peers and they are the ones that did the voting. It’s a community event. I will be doing my own hair and makeup.

Our last day of shooting is tomorrow and then it’s back to the boards in front of the mic at the comedy club. I have to find some new stuff, new angles, new through lines, new funny. The work never stops. Have to get into gear for my brief European stint. I feel a little rusty.

I also have to pack up the garage and move it to the new garage. I don’t know if I mentioned that. There is a garage at the new house. It has a bathroom and it’s bigger than the current situation. I just wanted to make that clear. WTF will continue to be a garage-based show. The new garage may even be older than the current one. I’m not sure though. The house was built in 1908 but I believe the garage was added later. I believe the plan is to record the dismantling of the garage on audio at least and maybe video. I will let you know.

Today on the show I talk to Macaulay Caulkin. He wanted to come on the show. I thought it would be interesting to hear his story and see where he is at now. I was happy to see him. Also, Cameron Esposito stops by for a short-but-good chat. On Thursday I talk to bass player and producer Don Was about music, The Stones, re-mastering, and Detroit. It was great.


Boomer lives!




Show biz, Folks.

As we all watch our country become the real shithole, just know that most of us don’t think the way the monster thinks and we have to lean into those numbers when necessary.

So, I lost. I didn’t plan on winning. I had no expectations. The Critic’s Choice Awards was only the second award show I have ever been to. It was the first I was actually nominated for something. I presented at the Independent Spirits Awards a few years back but that’s it. I got into my fancy suit and Sarah the Painter got into her dress and we took a car provided by Netflix to an airport hangar in Santa Monica. I walked the line, got the photos, talked to the microphone people, said hi to some fans and critics, and then we went in and sat at our table in front of a plate of cold, sad food. There seemed to be about 2,000 or so people or there. Lot of tables. 

As some of you know, I like looking at movie stars. At the table to my right and a little behind me I saw Gary Oldman just sitting there. Directly in front of me, on either side of the head of Netflix were Angelina Jolie and Adam Sandler. Most of the night I just kept looking over my shoulder at Gary Oldman, which was satisfying. I saw Tracy Letts in the distance. That was exciting. I saw people I’ve interviewed but I didn’t say hi to anyone. Willem Dafoe walked by me, kind of said hi, gave me a weird look. I don’t know what I expected. I don’t know if it was because he didn’t remember or maybe our talk was not a good memory. Granted, it wasn’t easy.

When they announced my category I knew I didn’t deserve it. Walton Goggins did. Love that guy. That character he created for Vice Principals was weird and insanely funny. He won. He did give me a shout out on stage saying, ‘Who doesn’t love Marc Maron?’ That was a high point. That moment when they announced all our names was a real rush. Just blood and nerves surging. Good stuff. Then the loss. It was really fine. We all lost. Betty, Allison, the show. It’s okay.

I did make up with Sandler. I was probably the only one who thought we were in a fight but he was really nice to me. He said he would come on the podcast but I’m not counting on it. I think it would be good though.

Today I talk to the amazing Laurie Metcalf about Lady Bird, Steppenwolf, Horace and Pete, Roseanne, acting, etc. It was a great talk. Also, good old Tom Segura stops by for a short one. On Thursday I have a fun talk with Derek Waters from Drunk History. Love that guy.


Boomer lives!



Letting Some Things Go.

Show biz, People.

I am watching the Globes right now.

As some of you know I like watching movie stars and show business people at award shows. What is odd now is that I have talked to so many of them and I am working with some in an actual show AND I’m going to my first award show as a nominee this week. Crazy. I really didn’t think it would ever happen. I no longer had any expectations. I’m excited. I am genuinely excited and trying to not ruin it. I’ll ruin it. Somehow. Maybe not. Yeah, lets go with that.

I’ve been having a hard time breathing lately. Like, I wake up and it feels like I have a weight on my chest. My chest is where I hold my stress. I know that. Occasionally my lower back and that is aching too. Obviously, my inability to compartmentalize and the ongoing unfolding horror of daily events isn’t helping. The air quality has been shit out here because the state is just going to be chronically on fire, I guess. I don’t think I am ill but my brain goes there. Unfortunately, going into the doctor with the ‘I’m having a hard time breathing’ symptom usually leads to the ‘what’s going on in your life’ question. I think I’m okay.

As I was recording in the garage today, barely breathing, I realized, in a deep way, that the days of that garage are coming to an end. In the next few weeks I will be, probably slowly, moving the contents of the original garage to the new garage. The garage is where it all started. So much has happened in there. Lives changed in there. Mainly mine. I realized today that I have to move the stuff. Some part of me just wasn’t going to do it. I was just going to stay there even after I sold the house. I would make a deal with new owners that I would walk guests through their house into the garage which would remain mine.

I am very ready to move on but I guess not quite ready to let go. I think a lot of the the breathing issue has to do with the dramatic shift out of the space that changed everything about my life. It's a magic space, a ritual space. I have held that space for hundreds of people, but that magic travels with me. I’ll let you know how the move goes. I will be letting some things go. I think. Probably not much. I will have some feelings. I’ll let them come. I am excited. Anxious. Having a hard time breathing.

Today I talk comedian Fortune Feimster who just got ENGAGED! On Thursday I talk to Richard Jenkins about being a late starter and giving up hope only to become one the great character actors. Great talks.


Boomer lives!



I'm Not Going to Be Cynical.

Happy New Year, Peoples!

I’ll keep it tight.

We can say it all we want but I just don’t know. It will be an exciting one, that’s for sure. I’m looking forward to it. I really am. I’m an American and it will be interesting and hopefully not more horrifying to see how this year unfolds. I’m not going to be cynical here. Take care of yourselves and your loved ones and people who need help and try to be part of what really makes this country great. Maybe the cultural cancer that is upon us in many forms will began to exhaust itself if we fight it and perhaps it will realize that it doesn’t like being cancer. I guess that’s a longshot.

Today’s show is something Brendan put together from all the times I talked to members of my family over the years. It’s a great, great show. Enjoy it. On Thursday we are back to regular show with Ta-Nehisi Coates and I talking it out. It was great hanging out with him.


Boomer lives!



Spread a Little Love.

Holidays, People!

I’m not going to ramble on.

Stay safe! Don’t do anything too crazy or too stupid or too drunk or too angry or too sad.  That leaves—keep it together. Cobble together some gratitude somehow and reflect on what has been for most of us a terrifying and trying year in the world but we are alive and there is stuff in our lives that has been amazing, right? Yes. Yes, there is. Find it. Meditate on it. Appreciate it. Let’s summon up some strength and some endurance and maybe a little hope as we enter the next year. It looks like it’s going to happen. So, strap in. Brace yourselves. Enjoy your life in middle of this psychic but also very tactile shit storm.

What I meant to say was—Happy Holidays! Hope you get some cool presents. Spread a little love. Make some people feel better. Help out.

On today’s show we look back a bit at holiday conversations we’ve had on the podcast. We go way back. Thursday, two of my recovery buddies have books coming out. I talk to Dr. Steve Dansiger about his book ‘EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness for Trauma-Focused Care’ and I talk to Michael Marcus about his ‘#1 Son.’ Two separate chats, one show.


Boomer lives!



The Process

Hello, People.

Sitting here in the new house listening Neil Young's ‘Hitchhiker’ album, enjoying the haunting brilliance of this once hidden record. Elevating the darkness to lyrical beauty. I guess that’s the best you can do as a creative person who isn’t trying to deny or avoid themselves or the world we live in. Spinning into oblivion can be a beautiful thing if handled correctly. I’m talking about the macro. The level most of us have no real control over. On the micro level, reflecting, that is the trick. Not emulating the cosmic wildfire we are throwing gas on.

I’ve been forcing myself on stage lately because that is what I do. I find if I don’t, I literally begin to lose my mind in a very real way. I become isolated inside my own head. Unable to communicate the emotional storm building in my brain and heart which are absorbing each minute awake. Nothing is passive in my brain. Some things are just not on the daily docket and some things I just don’t know about but there is an agenda up there and it requires vigilance to manage because it is not always a pro-Marc agenda. I need to be on stage to make sense of my world which is a mixture of my perception of myself and the parts of the external that come pounding into my mind and eyes all the time. Relaxing would be nice. I just have a calling to figure shit out. I’m always saying, ‘I just have to figure this out.’ Maybe that’s the habit. I’m guessing I’m not ever going to figure it out. I should stop trying. I can’t though, so, standup. The process.

I made a little headway on some new bits the other night. It got me excited. I always think there won’t be any more bits after I dump an hour-plus out into the world on a special. Then, it starts. I get excited about one thing and it just starts to bleed out and spread and a freedom of mind starts to happen. That’s the wildfire I need and have. Usually it's about 70 percent controlled. Unfortunately, it is usually fueled by discomfort and discontent. I think many of the reasons I felt those things have eased but fortunately there is a bit at the core that will never ease up until I let go one way or the other. I’m not really trying to let go which should really be the goal but I don’t know what I will be if I do and clearly the fear of that guy is bigger than just being the anxious, dread filled guy I am. So, standup. The treatment. The relief. The reaching out. Don’t all of us have that bit at our core that knows this is all sort of a rip off? A joke that we know the end of?

Maybe just me.

Today I talk to Steven Van Zandt. It was a little tricky getting in but we had a great talk about all of it. Well, most of it. He’s been around a while. On Thursday I talk to Neal Preston. He’s a rock photographer whose work you’ve definitely seen. He was there for a lot of the big ones. Cool talk.


Boomer lives!



Push Forward.

Hola, Folks!

Heads up! The new season of Joe Swanberg’s ‘Easy’ is now streaming on Netflix. I am in episode five with Michaela Watkins. It was a great experience to work with her. I think we did something amazing on the show. Check it out.  

As the world ends, faster than expected, it’s getting increasingly difficult to carry the overload of darkness and fury that assaults us all each day. I can’t really detach and I can really shut down entirely, though I want to badly. I guess we have to just keep engaging in our lives and maybe appreciating them more. 

Appreciating each other more. Each individual human spirit has to be worth something as the Spiritus Mundi convulses and writhes under the assault of the craven power addicts and the side effects of that dynamic. So, put a premium on your life. 

I don’t know what to do from day-to-day to stop the storm of fire in my mind or the very real one spreading through the culture. I have become very sensitive to sounds and food and the energy coming off other people. I have been listening, wide open, to old music. Listening to songs that meant something. Songs that defined movements. Songs that gave people power to push forward against all adversity. The magic of music. Where are those songs now? Is there relevance to music and the power it once had to move generations to fight for what is right or was that all some dumb hippie pipe dream? Am I just nostalgic for a time I missed that was full of collective purpose because there was a collective or am I hoping that the collective will rise up with the vulnerable intensity and rage to elevate that precious human spirit? Each of them. 

Eh, maybe they were always just songs. 

Feeling powerless. Listening to Leonard Cohen. 

I just have to get funnier. That’s what I can do. 

I’ve been watching a lot of comedy lately. Helps. And I’m jaded. 

Today I talk to Greta Gerwig about her new movie ‘Ladybird.’ She directed it. She’s amazing. We had a great talk. On Thursday I talk to James Franco about his new movie ‘The Disaster Artist.’ It was good. I didn’t know if it would be. 


Boomer lives!




Hello, Folks!

I hope the Thanksgiving went as well as it could. Hell, I hope it went well. I know, I know. Let’s not go crazy. Mine was pleasant. I went where there were many Buddhists. Very level. Plant-based ice cream.

In the spirit of the season, or in spirit of being a decent human, a friend of ours needs a little help. Barry Crimmins is a great comic and someone we've enjoyed having on this show. I did an episode with him back in 2013 and then he was back on with Bobcat Goldthwait in 2015. And if you saw the documentary that Bob made about him, Call Me Lucky, you know that Barry's been a tireless advocate on behalf of victims of sexual abuse. We found out that Barry's wife Helen - who is an artist in her own right, a great photographer - is in the middle of a cancer fight and the cost of treatment has become overwhelming. The co-pays alone are just staggering. It's really heavy what they're both going through, and with all the help Barry has given to people in his life as an advocate and human rights activist, we figured we can help lift Barry and Helen up right now. 

If you go to Barry's twitter page, you'll see the pinned tweet has a link to Helen's GoFundMe account. Or it's right here if you just click.

Someday we can hope to live in a country where they actually fix healthcare so that no one can ever be driven into financial peril because they got sick. But until that time, we're going to have to help each other. So, let's help Barry and Helen out.

Moving has been hectic primarily because I am moving fairly close by so I’m doing the multiple car trips with random shit thrown in the car style of moving. It’s a scattered and impulsive way to do it. I don’t have a huge house so my thinking was, "There isn’t that much stuff how hard could it be?" Well, it’s as if all my little shit and things and stuff and knick knacks are multiplying. There seems to be no end to it and I haven’t even begun the garage yet. I do think this way of doing it is a reasonable way to make a transition from someplace that has a lot of emotions and baggage to be left behind. My house is like an emotional sarcophagus housing the pain of years of failure. It turned out okay but there is a lot to grieve and reflect on so it's nice to have the time. 

I’m having a hard time throwing stuff away. Little knick knacks everywhere. There are these old, tiny plastic Chinatown Buddhas I’ve has for 20 years. They are all faded and weird looking. I can’t throw them away because I don’t know if I’m allowed to throw Buddhas away. I’m not a Buddhist but still I don’t need to provoke and negative Karma by making a garbage Buddha. I bet if you found a Buddha in the trash it would make all the other trash seem pleasant. Level. As it is supposed to be. There is trash and there is not trash but it all ends up kind of trash.

I moved the cats and that was kind of heartbreaking. That was like the moment it became very real. I’ve been in that house with Monkey and LaFonda for 13 years. When I took them out I felt myself projecting my sadness onto them and it really hit me. They are doing fine adjusting. I don't know about me. It was astounding I got them all pretty quickly.

Today I talk to Rob Huebel. Funny fella. I had a good time. On Thursday I talk to Sam Beam who is ‘Iron and Wine.’ Fun talk. Laid back Southern fella. I like his music. Also, my buddy Bob Saget stops by. 


Boomer lives!




Hey, Folks. 
I’m going to keep it short and sweet. Try to have a happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family. Enjoy your food. Enjoy your friends. Play with a dog. Reflect.
Great shows this week. Today, I talk with the hilarious Christina Pazsitzky. On Thursday, one of my guitar heroes, Jimmie Vaughan joins me and I also have a talk with Kasper Collin, the director of the documentary I Called Him Morgan, along with musician Bennie Maupin.


Boomer lives!



Not the Place.

Okay, Folks.

Everyone ok? I am not great.

I’ve spent that last few days processing the events involving my friend Louis CK. He did some bad, selfish, hurtful, traumatizing, insensitive, creepy, sexual things to some women and now he is facing the consequences. His friends and family and people who worked with and for him are dealing with the consequences. The victims are living with the consequences of his actions and have been for years. It’s awful all around.

I talk about it on today’s show. That is where I chose to process my thoughts and feelings. Those of you who listen to the show know that. There was pressure in the immediate aftermath of the New York Times article and Louis’s admission of guilt for everyone who knows Louis to react and comment immediately, in any way possible. On Twitter, now means now and if you don’t do something now you are an apologist or complicit or someone who doesn’t care. I have posted very little on Twitter in the last year. I promote the shows, my book, I answer some questions about mundane stuff occasionally but I have been pretty detached from it mostly. It’s been great. It’s a time suck clusterfuck that can turn into a pile on of garbage and anger in minutes. It is nowhere to discuss nuanced issues or to process complicated feelings. I felt pressured. I had to say something as a placeholder while I processed my own feelings around it. I tweeted this:

‘I've been friends with Louis CK for a long time. I read the article and none of it is good. I'll have more to say about it on my own show and not a shitty platform like Twitter.’

The shit storm was fast and furious. It ran the gamut: I was being condescending to the free platform where victims' voices can be heard because of my privilege, or I was using my friends demise and the pain of the victims to promote my show so I could profit from it, or I used harsher language abut Twitter than I did about sexual misconduct. And on and on. Pile on. Which illustrated to me exactly why I didn’t address the situation candidly there. Not the place. No way. The odd thing was all I wanted to do was tell my listeners that I would deal with it on my show where I deal with everything in the time and space and flow that I want to. That was it. I watched three sentences just conveying very basic and simple information be deconstructed and weaponized every possible way. So, fuck Twitter. That is why I just use it to promote the show, promote the book, live dates and occasionally answer mundane questions. That’s it.

Also, Buster came back. After two days on the lamb he just stuck his head in the garage when I was talking to Darren Aronofsky. Maybe Darren summoned him somehow. I don’t know. I’m happy to have him back even though every time he leaves I have to let him go in my mind.

Today on the show I talk to Kim Deal from The Pixies and The Breeders about music and life and Ohio. On Thursday, I talk to Lawrence O’Donnell about Boston, politics, his life and his new book. Great talks.


Boomer lives!



He Didn't Remember.

Hi, People. 

How’s it going? I hope you are okay. Grim time. Darkness and violence. Be aware of the macro, engage and do what you do. Appreciate the micro, your life. It’s what you have.

Quick reminder that Brendan and I will be in Seattle this Saturday, November 11th. We'll be at Third Place Books in Seward Park doing a talk, taking your questions, and signing copies of Waiting For The Punch. See you there. I’m going to eat some fish there too. Probably at Jack's in Pike Place Market. Maybe some cioppino. The micro.

I did a benefit the other night for the International Myeloma Foundation. Ray Romano has been hosting it for 11 years. He started it after Peter Boyle died of Multiple Myeloma. I was happy to be asked to do it. I like watching from the wings. I love that view. I watched Ray open the show. Then me and Ray pulled some stool into the side aisle of the audience and watched Hannibal Buress and Rachel Feinstein and some of Nikki Glaser. Everyone did great. 

Before the show I went backstage to the green room and when I walked in, there was just Fred Willard sitting by himself in a very bright blue suit. I said, "Wow, crazy party in here." He said, "I invited a lot of people." Fred is funny. Then Robert Klein came in. I don’t have a great history with him. Apparently, that is one-sided because he didn’t seem to recall ever meeting me. Which we had. Back in ‘95ish he climbed on stage and started improvising with me. He didn’t like what I had said about computer nerds and he decided to set me straight. I didn’t ask for that. It wasn’t an honor. It was annoying, really. I said some shit about him the following week at the same place. It got back to him. I apologized. Blah blah. Something always rubbed me the wrong way about him. None of that mattered. He didn’t remember. I was mostly over it. Years later I interviewed him at Air America. He didn’t remember that either.

He and Fred Willard were in Second City together. He sat down next to Fred. I was next to the two of them. It’s interesting to watch two guys with a long history in general, and with each other, interact when they haven’t seen each other in while. They basically challenged each other to remember things about their lives. And they went way back with the memories. I thought it would be a good bit. I jotted it down in my notebook. Klein blurted, "What are you writing?" Like I was taking private notes about their conversation. "Joke idea," I said. "Oh, you still do that," he said. "That’s great."

When I got off stage after I did very well he was in the wings waiting to go on, fidgety, darty. He said, "Very irreverent." I don’t think he meant it as a compliment. I said, "Thanks. Great crowd." He’s just who he is. Didn’t matter. I stood in the wings and watched Robert Klein be Robert Klein for a few minutes. Then I left.

Today I have a lovely chat with Jenna Fisher. She has a book coming out. On Thursday, I talk to the amazing and unique John Dwyer. He’s had a helluva journey in the music.


Boomer lives!



Meaning is Hard to Come By.


The air in LA is toxic today. I read it was worse than Bejing. I’ve been to Bejing and it was like breathing evaporated garbage. I have a headache and my lungs ache. Great. The future is bright.

I’m writing this Sunday night and I just got back from Santa Monica where Brendan and I did a book talk. Well, its more like a WTF talk. We talk about what we do. If you haven’t seen us do our thing you should come out. We’re doing one more scheduled show in Seattle at Third Place Books in Seward Park on Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7PM. Come out if you can. I’m excited to be up there and to eat fish.

The crowd was great in Santa Monica tonight. I really like seeing everyone. Makes me feel like my life’s work means something. Meaning is hard to come by in these dark times where things seem pointless in relation to what seems like inevitable doom. But even saying that needs to be pushed back against. The human spirit must transcend and there is only one way for that to happen and that is to let it transcend and not be devastated.

It’s work. I’m not a spiritual person and I don't believe I could be one, but I have my moments. I cry during songs sometimes when I sing with them. I was listening to Alison Kraus and Gillian Welch do their version of ‘I’ll Fly Away’ and I came very close to letting Jesus into my heart. Then I realized I was just moved by the spiritual poetry of the song and their amazing voices and harmonies and I just let the tears come. I listened to it twice through, sang with it, had the feelings, cried, felt the catharsis and got out of my car and into my life. It was enough to touch the human spirit and let that into my heart. I don’t even know what Jesus was doing hanging around in my car. He got out too. I said, "Sorry! You tried." He shrugged, walked off and said, "I’m around." I said, "I get it."

Today I talk to comedian Joy Behar about her journey to The View and stand up and other stuff. On Thursday I talk to the great unsung blues hero John Hammond. Love that guy. Great talks.


Boomer lives!



The Boots.

Hola, Peoples!

How’s things by you? Things are okay here. I’m looking outside as I type this and nothing is on fire, as far as I can see…but they’re probably coming.

A reminder to all of you in Los Angeles! We are doing our only LA book talk and signing this Sunday, October 29th at 7pm.That's it. One night only, at the Ann and Jerry Moss Theatre at the Herb Alpert Educational Village in Santa Monica.

If you haven't seen me and Brendan do our thing, you will enjoy it. We'll talk about Waiting for the Punch, but we also talk about behind-the-scenes stuff from the podcast, some secrets that you don't know about, we take questions from the audience, and we'll sign your stuff.  Bring your copy of Waiting for the Punch if you already have one, or you can get one with your ticket. 

Go here to get tickets or go to the tour page of wtfpod.com

Also, Brian R. Jones has a new batch of cat mugs. If you want to get a cat mug just like the ones I give to my guests, go to BrianRJones.com to get yours. They go on sale today at 12 noon Eastern, 9am Pacific. And they always go fast. 

This last week had been busy. I’m getting back into the groove of shooting GLOW. We finish up the first episode today and head into the second on Tuesday. The stories are good. I have some new shirts but my jeans and boots will be the same. I guess the idea is that if it isn’t broken, why fuck with it? I’m good with one pair of jeans for three months. That’s what I do anyway. As for the boots, they had them made because the originals fucked with my feet but they liked the shape so much they brought the guy who made the cowboy boots for Deadwood in to make them for me. They’re nice and soft and just right. I was thinking about maybe getting back into cowboy boots. I remember there was a time when I burned through a few pairs of Tony Lamas back in the day. I must’ve been in my late teens/early twenties. I don’t think I can pull them off now. I don’t think it’s necessary. I’m not even sure my work boot obsession is necessary. What is necessary? I might need the work boots though. I don’t what’s coming down the pike.

Shit, now I’m thinking about shoes. I went through a pretty heavy Clarks Desert Boots thing for years. Black Desert Boots. I even sent a pair to the one place that Clarks approved for resoling Wallabees and Desert Boots with that one-inch thick snot-like compound sole goo. They were never the same. That’s where I learned to rotate boots if you want them to last. I guess this was about boots today. Fuck it.

Today I talk to Willem Dafoe about Willem Dafoe stuff and the amazing new film ‘The Florida Project.’ Interesting guy. I think he got a little snippy with me at some point. On Thursday, I talk to Lizzie Goodman about her book, ‘Meet Me in the Bathroom.’ Good talks.


Boomer lives!



The Discomfort.


How’s the end of the world going for everyone? I’m okay. 
I was just up in Northern Cali and the wildfires are obviously devastating and awful. My heart goes out to anyone who lost homes, people, pets, cars, just awful and terrifying. The air in San Francisco was thick with smoke and the stink of burning everything. I really hope they get them under control soon. 
Brendan and I did our comedy team act at the Alamo Drafthouse New Mission theater last Friday. It’s always great to see the fans come out and hang a bit. It was good talk. The sound was rough and I personally think the chairs were too comfortable. I don’t like working movie theaters. Those seats are designed for passive engagement. Our voice was coming out of the surround sound system so most people could hear us talking into the mic then, a split second later, hear it come out of the speakers. It was hard to adjust, but we managed. I didn’t snap or lose my shit. It was close. Felt like I was tripping. I feel that way always in SF. Untethered. Tweaked. 
We sold a lot of books at both live events. I’m glad it’s getting out there. 
I have to put on my Sam pants today and I think they will be too tight. I’m so fucking uncomfortable. Is it worth it to get off nicotine if I'm going to put on weight? The worst. Hate feeling chubby. Now I have to start shooting the new season of GLOW and in my mind (and pants) Sam is a little chunkier. Marc doesn’t like being chunky but I imagine Sam doesn’t really give a fuck. That will be the challenge of my acting this season. Not giving a fuck that Marc feels porky and Sam doesn’t care. I’ll use it. Thrive on the energy, the discomfort. Looking forward to getting back into the show, just not the pants. I tried to stay good and lose some weight before shooting so I had room to gain a few crafty/catering pounds but that didn’t fucking happen. I quit the shit and my metabolism got all sluggish because I’m not jacking it up and I got the middle doughy part going on. Fuck me. Fuck it. Fat. 
Today I talk to the amazing Tracy Ullman about her show on HBO and her life. On Thursday Egyptian comic and dissident Bassem Youssef talks about his experiences creating Egypt's version of The Daily Show and then being forced to flee the country. 


Boomer lives!



Focus on Doing Good Things.

Hey, Folks!

So much horror and sadness has happened since the last time I wrote one of these updates its baffling and terrifying. That is the age we live in. Baffling and terrifying. The pace of it. The persistence of it. Remember, that’s the plan. Stay checked in but keep some space for yourself to stay sane. I will keep talking to you and talking to people. Try to keep it human, keep it near the heart.

Man, this drinking tea thing and no nicotine or coffee has slowed things down. Made me think about life. What makes it worth living and what to do with it. Some things are out of our control, most things. Some things aren’t. I guess we should focus on doing good things with those things.

Maybe I have to start drinking coffee again.
Thank you to everyone who pre-ordered Waiting for the Punch: Words to Live by from the WTF Podcast. As you'll see when you get it, the book is dedicated to you, our listeners, and that's really true. We wouldn't have done it if you hadn't stuck with us for eight years. If you haven't preordered a copy, it comes out tomorrow, October 10th, and you can get it anywhere you get books. Or you can still go to marcmaronbook.com and order it there. 

Some other things you might want to know. I'll be doing an AMA on Reddit tomorrow at 12:30 PM Eastern. So, go to Reddit and ask me some stuff. 

Tomorrow night, I'll be at the Union Square Barnes and Noble in New York City, along with Brendan McDonald. We'll do a little talk, take some questions and sign some books. That's at 7PM.

On Wednesday night, I'll be on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

And on Friday, Brendan and I will be at the Alamo Drafthouse in San Francisco for a talk, Q & A and signing. Go to Litquake.org for tickets to that.  

Again, thanks for all your support with the book. It's been almost three years to get to this point, and we're excited for you all to read it. 
Today I have two separate conversations with the Brothers Bridges, Beau and Jeff. I thought it was only right to post them together. On Thursday, I have a pre-accident talk with Marilyn Manson. I don’t know if he’s doing the tour he mentioned. I hope he’s all right.


Boomer lives!

