Spread a Little Love.

Holidays, People!

I’m not going to ramble on.

Stay safe! Don’t do anything too crazy or too stupid or too drunk or too angry or too sad.  That leaves—keep it together. Cobble together some gratitude somehow and reflect on what has been for most of us a terrifying and trying year in the world but we are alive and there is stuff in our lives that has been amazing, right? Yes. Yes, there is. Find it. Meditate on it. Appreciate it. Let’s summon up some strength and some endurance and maybe a little hope as we enter the next year. It looks like it’s going to happen. So, strap in. Brace yourselves. Enjoy your life in middle of this psychic but also very tactile shit storm.

What I meant to say was—Happy Holidays! Hope you get some cool presents. Spread a little love. Make some people feel better. Help out.

On today’s show we look back a bit at holiday conversations we’ve had on the podcast. We go way back. Thursday, two of my recovery buddies have books coming out. I talk to Dr. Steve Dansiger about his book ‘EMDR Therapy and Mindfulness for Trauma-Focused Care’ and I talk to Michael Marcus about his ‘#1 Son.’ Two separate chats, one show.


Boomer lives!

