Keep It Furious.

The days keep rolling in and past, People.

That’s good and bad. I think the perception of time passing changes as you get older which makes sense. I’ve never thought time was flying by, but it seems to be getting away from me, at the very least.

I will stop reflecting on reflecting. As soon as I can wrap my brain around it. I feel I need to do that sooner than later.

I mean, both my parents are still hanging on. That’s about all they are doing. They’re not living much of a life. They’re in their eighties and I guess that's the best you can hope for. Hanging on. Eating.

Obviously my dad is losing his mind but he’s still hanging on. The primary driver when he’s not being passive or vacant is anger. He can tap into that rage over nothing. It focuses him. I would say in that way he’s very current and in tune with the culture we live in. It’s very honest.

So, I have that to look forward to.

Keep it fresh. Keep it furious.

I’ve been home for a bit and I actually did some socializing outside of just going to The Comedy Store. I went to a couple of parties. I really need to get out more. I like it. 

I don’t really feel like a loner but I do sometimes just not do things. I think, ‘what’s the point?’ My dad is kind of like that and he is fading away and friendless. 

I went to Brendon Smalls house for a little party. I hadn’t seen him in years. I used to go to his get-togethers yearly. I saw a few old friends, he showed me his weird guitars, I ate tacos, got some laughs, talked gear with Peter from Gibson. It was great. It is what life is. 

Then I went to Dana Gould’s 60th birthday party. Big laughs. Saw some of the geniuses I’ve known for decades and I haven’t seen some of them in almost one of those decades. It's a real gift to be in this racket and hang out for even an hour with truly brilliant, funny people. I know a lot of you have funny friends but I’m not sure I can quite explain what it's like to be around Maria Bamford, Laura Kightlinger, Patton Oswalt, Blaine Capatch, Matt Weinhold, Dana Gould and others all in one room or on one patio. The best. 


The combination of shared history and the fact that we’re all still alive and still funny and relaxed enough with each other that we can fucking enjoy it is what life is. Mine, anyway. 

When they brought the cake out and everyone gathered around waiting for Dana to do a little speech or something, everyone quieted down and Dana said, ‘There is never a good time to say this but… I’m dying.’


Today on the show I talk to my old friend Greg Fitzsimmons about his life and his new special. On Thursday I catch up with another old friend Brendon Walsh about the same stuff, not  special. Great talks. 


Boomer, Monkey and LaFonda live!
