The Tea Leaves.

Jesus, let’s get on with it, People.

Anxious as fuck. The unknown has taken on new dimensions of unknownness and I’m fucking aggravated and anxious.

Shit, sorry. Happy New Year.

How was the transition for you? Dramatic? I rewatched ‘Ordinary People’ alone and cried a bit and was in bed reading and didn’t know the clock had turned until I heard fireworks outside. Even then, I didn’t register it much. I generally don’t.

I just know I’m anxious. I’m trying to read the tea leaves which is what I call my Citizens app. Last week there were two separate assaults by multiple people on one person. One of them involved bats. It’s a sad indicator of where we are at, economically and culturally, where all I can hope for is that in both cases they all knew each other and it was a business misunderstanding of some kind. As opposed to the fabric of society fraying to the point where the angry and desperate are randomly attacking people in groups.

I really don’t think there is a normal to return to and I think things are actually much worse than I even imagine out there for most people.

It’s hard to make decisions with so much up in the air. I can’t even begin to speculate about the future. Most of us don’t even know when or where we are going to get vaccinated. Who the fuck knows what’s going to happen this week as King Chaos Pig whips up an antidemocratic shit show for Gun Dorks, Hate Nerds and Bullshit Zealots as he closes out his presidency with the big grift finale? Or, civil war breaks out and it all crumbles into insanity and violence and he’s president for life. Hey, maybe both!

Or maybe reset. Reset with new management. Please. Democracy, work.

Let’s land this thing. Regroup. Find our bearings. Get things functioning for the most people possible again.

My brain is on fire. I’m doing the reading. I’m doing the thinking. I’m doing the writing. For what and for who I don’t know. I don’t know what I will be when and if we get through this. Or what it is I’m doing. I do know I don’t want to go back to the way it was. I know I don’t want this countrywide PTSD to erase what we are going through now in a haze of cortisol. I don’t want it to be a weird, dark dream. I do want us all to wake the fuck up though.

Today I talk to the Jewish Mandy Patankin. We do the Jew talk about all the big things aside from his actual career. On Thursday I talk to Thundercat about all the big things and a bit of bass. Great talks!


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The Mountain and the Desert.


Did you make it through round one of this holiday season? Are you okay? Ish? Did you get what you wanted, what you needed, what you asked for? Is there anything that will make it okay ever again? If you didn’t get a time machine, probably not.

I hope the holiday was ok. I know a lot of us were spending it alone but it seems that many of us have adapted to using the tech at our fingertips to stay connected to other humans as best we can or, at the very least, engaged in distractions that enable us not to lose our fucking minds.

I think one thing we all have learned during the Trump years and into this pandemic is exactly who we are as a country and who our fellow Americans are. If there is a deep state of anything it’s a deep state of doofus-ness. What a bunch of morons live here. Truly inspired idiots all around. Some people I thought were smart are dumb and shallow. Some people I always knew were fucking dumb dumbs turned out to be quite profound in their stupidity. Self-importance abounds on both sides.

I’ve been to the mountain and I’ve been to the desert. It’s odd. I had a true moment of love for Los Angeles. As so many people leave for less populated destinations in a dramatic flurry of panic and bullshit I found myself at the top of a hill on Christmas Day with X’s ‘Los Angeles’ blaring in my buds. I was looking all the way out to the ocean after the winds and short rains of the days before had washed and blown all the garbage out of the air. I had a moment where LA was not just okay but great. I like my house. I like the city.

I have fantasies of going other places. New Mexico, Ireland, the desert.

I spent a day out in Joshua Tree with Dean Delray at a house he was renting. I’ve always loved the desert but for some reason I really got it that day. It was the day after Christmas. There is a space that comes with the desert that if you have the mind for it will easily spread your consciousness out. I’ve been meditating a bit recently and the work you put into pushing thoughts aside to just be in the loop of the breath happens almost effortlessly sitting on a porch in Joshua Tree. It slows it all down. The quiet is pristine. All you can hear is the wind and the cooing quails and Dean’s French bulldog Gertie snoring. Good day.

I don’t think I could live there, in the desert. A few days would be good.

Today I talk to Patty Jenkins about Wonder Woman, Monster and her father, among other things. On Thursday I talk to David Ritz about writing with and about Ray Charles, Marvin Gaye, Aretha Franklin and Jerry Wexler, and about music and life. Great talks!


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As We Age.

Holidays approach, People.

I have no plans. Zero.

I guess I really never pay much attention to the holidays. Other than realizing everything generally slows down and there’s a quiet to the world between Christmas and New Year’s. That quiet has been going on since March and it’s menacing because it’s not a holiday quiet, it’s a plague panic quiet. I’m tired of it. The quiet. The blanket of plague and fear that has muffled life. It goes on.

I didn’t light one candle for Hanukkah. Why? It would’ve been too sad to do it alone. I’m not that hung up on it when I’m with someone either but then at least there is someone to share the Jewness with. Usually a non-Jew in my case. It came and went this year without me even acknowledging it. It’s not because I'm a bad Jew. I am. I just didn’t want to be a bad, sad Jew alone with candles.

I’m not looking for pity. I have been spending some time with someone. I’m just trying to keep it reasonable and respectful of mine and their feelings. Realizing where I am emotionally and in my grief.

Sorrow is a true motherfucker and letting it settle as the bedrock of who I am is real. I hadn’t really identified it as such until I talked to Nicole Kidman (posting in January) about it. I don’t think I differentiated sadness from sorrow but there is a difference. Sorrow seems more expansive, more permanent, something that is just there and grows as we age but integrates into our character. Sadness is a feeling that comes and goes.

I thought I had turned a corner with my grief and maybe I had but the sorrow remains and will always be there, with me, informing the rest of my life in good ways and sad ways. I wasn’t with Lynn that long but she was the love of my life and I can live in that and let the memories come over me and they can bring that unique joy rooted in sorrow.

It seems to be happening a lot since I’ve been on a movie set. That is where Lynn and I created together so the trigger is obvious. In this role I am playing not only am I using all that I learned from Lynn as a director and fan of mine but I am using my love for her and the loss of her to inform the man I'm playing in the film.

Now, hopefully, I won’t get COVID and the film will be good.

Today I talk to musical wizard Andrew Bird who scored Lynn’s film ‘Outside In’ among many other records and things. On Thursday I talk to comedian Sam Tallent about his book ‘Running the Light,' which is one of the darkest, rawest and most authentic depictions of a road comic I have ever read. Great talks!

Happy Christmas if I don't talk to you.


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Action, People!

Working. Making movies. On location.

Being on set has been great. BEING AROUND PEOPLE AGAIN. So good. Scary? Yes, at first. I have surrendered to my decision though. Or else I wouldn’t be able to work.

The plague protocols are in place. I am getting tested three times a week. Everyone on set is always wearing a mask. The only maskless people are the actors when we are working. There’s a lot of squirting and wiping going on by a crew of squirters and wipers. Cleaning products. Hand sanitizer.

This is the first time I’ve been on a film set since Lynn’s death. I have a conscious feeling of her being with me. I am not the most confident actor in the world. I came to it late and I’m never really sure I am doing it right or well. Lynn always supported my acting and always thought I was great. I know she was in love with me but I believed her. I mean, we made movies and TV together. So, when I’m working I remember what she said to me and how she talked to me and how she looked at me while I was acting. I also remember what I learned from her in terms of the authenticity of moments. She is very much with me on set. I just wish she actually was. I will say this though, many memories are becoming blessings. I guess that’s a saying for a reason.

I am working with a totally incredible actress. It is daunting. I’d almost just rather watch her act than act with her. I used to get that with Brie and Gilpin too. Andrea Riseborough is the REALEST OF DEALS. I didn’t really know her work before but she has to give such a layered performance through the arc of this character and it’s amazing to see her put it into place each scene.

There really hasn’t been much time for us to even talk as people. When you are working on a small budget movie there really isn’t even time to rehearse. We just meet on set ready to go. AND we’re shooting on film, so even less time. I swear the first time we really talked was on Friday, after working together for five days. She felt rushed and wanted to take some time to run lines. I was excited. We had never done that and we had done a lot of scenes already. She needed time and a bit of space from everyone to focus on our next scene and I was happy to do it with her. That is part of the work. She is the center of this movie and it’s a lot to carry and I am there to support her, not just as my character, but as a person. It’s nice to just connect as people doing the work. You find stuff that way.

It’s also just amazing to see her do the acting thing.

Today I talk to an amazing actor, Scott Glenn. I thought he would be intimidating. I mean, I know he can be, I’ve seen many of his movies. He was lit up. We talked before the election. On Thursday I talk to Bootsy Collins. He was also lit up but on a whole other frequency. Great talks!


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When is the fucking circus leaving town, People?

I’ve had enough of this big top of grift and all the malignant clowns, freaks, dumb dumb cultists, religious fanatics, conspiracy addled white supremacists and lawyers.

It just keeps dragging on and on and getting more pathetic every day. The possibility of the mentally ill pig king at the center of global power, who gives zero fucks about anyone, lashing out with all the world's weaponry at his disposal to make his crying boy inside feel right is not a great feeling. The possibility of the ‘if I’m out, we’re all out’ scenario is hanging over us. Who would’ve thought that instead of a chicken fight between super powers bringing the world down, it would be a jilted, narcissistic monster unable to accept reality, lashing out at his father in a nuclear pout that we all will pay for with our lives. God bless America.

Rudy’s got the Rona. Is that a Ramones song? Sorry, it seems that my empathy is drawing its own line. Hey, I’m not Jesus. Fuck that monster.

In other news, I start shooting a film today. I’m incredibly nervous. I was nervous about the Covid protocols but now I just seem normal nervous about the work. It’s been a while since I did the acting job professionally. I mean, we all do what we have to do to get through real life. Acting like someone else on purpose to tell a story on film is a whole other ball of wax.

The reason I feel okay about the safety issues is I took a ride to a location last week to get tested and do hair and make-up tests and a still photo for set dec. Just driving up to a set brought back all the excitement of being in this industry. Just seeing the security guy as I drove in and just beyond him, movie-making taking place. The set is a town. All kinds of people doing all kinds of jobs and I have one of them. I felt the thrill of it. I felt the comfort of knowing that part of me lives on these sets. I understand them. I’ve been on them before, a lot.

It’s just now, everyone has a mask and a designation and a way to behave safely. I felt okay with it. I felt like it might be okay (knocks on wood).

Now back to the fear of not knowing what I’m doing. I think I might, a bit. I’ll know more at the end of the day today.

Today I talk to Zach Braff about TV, movies, New Jersey, grief and other stuff. On Thursday I talk to Brad Williams about being a funny dwarf and other things. Great talks!


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Kid Me.

Getting centered, People!

I didn’t mean to yell that. Maybe I did. Like, ‘hey, shut the door!’

It seems I’ve somewhat exhausted my expansive, sometimes porous boundaries. I put a lot of myself out there, on purpose. That’s all I’ve ever done. If I haven an art, that’s it. Though there isn’t a lot of artifice to it other than the ability to deliver it. That comes through years of practice. I guess that’s not nothing and it is a very satisfying way to do what I do.

I have felt a leveling-off lately that I think may be progress. Like I’ve landed somewhere within myself that isn’t bad. I’m not sure. This could all change tomorrow. It might be changing now. I will let the thoughts come and go.

The loneliness and fear and grief and isolation that has been happening over the last year has tossed me around quite a bit. Instinctively or reactively my brain and body has been driven to distraction, food, compulsive thinking, sex, PTSD, massive bouts of depression, anger, loneliness, ecstatic nostalgia, crying, emptiness, insane empathy, self-loathing, guilt, prayer, etc. All the feels and behaviors. It’s the nature of the shift in my inner and outer reality. It’s the nature of human sadness.

I relied on friends and strangers to buoy me and keep me engaged and loved and supported. I relied on movies, music, books, cooking, coffee, exercise and TV to keep me distracted and mostly healthy. It really comes in waves and when they hit they seem to wash all the work and strength away, but only for a bit. It is in place. I am in place. I just realized this.

I have never been more in place and that place is myself. Wild.

Now I have to reel it in a bit. Now I have to accept the me that is now and quiet the noise and the needs down. Now I have to sit quietly in myself.

I have been doing it. I have been doing the meditating. I don’t know if it’s working but I have all of sudden been wanting to keep some more of me to myself.

I’ve recently been hit with the story of me. I’ve been setting up an office in my house and I was going through this stack of old photo albums of my family starting before I was born and up through high school. Seeing kid me in the '70s feeling weird and uncomfortable and scared and seeing my glamorous, selfish parents not really knowing how to handle it. All of us moving through the years. I don’t think I reckon with all that I come from spread out like that very often. It hit me kind of hard, but good hard. I think I can let that kid live with a little comfort now. I’ve dragged him through a lot and he has been freaking out the whole time. For maybe 50 years. He needs to feel okay and I think I can let him. I feel strong enough to do it.

Thanks for all the help.

As a side note I’d like to say that turkey is really a pretty awful meat. It’s a tough, gamey bird that we all feel the pressure to make appetizing once or twice a year. There’s a reason it’s almost always cold cuts and never on restaurant menus. It’s because it’s kind of bad. I’m sorry. I just really noticed it.

Today I actually talk to James Caan. It was nuts but it was good. I wanted to engage with the tough Jew. I loved it. On Thursday I talk to John Densmore from The Doors about… The Doors (and other stuff). Good talks!


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A Balanced Diet.

Stay home, People!

By the time Christmas comes around it will literally be snowing virus. That’s not a metaphor. It will actually be snowing Covid.

The thing I don’t understand is that most of us complain about having to go out of town to family gatherings. It’s a never-ending source of aggravation for most people. Going, being there, dealing, getting back. So, why is it so hard to NOT GO? Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. I know being a shut in is annoying and you’ve had enough of it but still. Stay close, small, manageable. Enjoy the break. You’ll probably be able to go to a family gathering that will make you miserable next year.

I’m happy to be staying home. That being said, I am doing a very streamlined Thanksgiving for a couple of us. A tiny turkey and couple of side dishes and maybe a pie. I want to bake a pie. I want to make sure that I maintain a balanced diet. A balance between joy and shame on my off days. Off days from the barely satisfying healthy diet I have most of the time.

I am slipping, though. We are all slipping. The Covid numbers speak to that. The same thing that makes me rationalize eating foods that are bad for me because of my mild heart disease are basically the reason we are all going to get Covid and we know we are doing it. The human brain likes to hedge its bets and bank on the odds of denial which is really not even a crap shoot. It’s just dumb. There is some mixture of entitlement, selfishness, belligerence and annoyance that makes us all a little stupid. When you are a child and this happens, usually there’s a grown up to step in and draw a line. No one is going to do that for you now. This government certainly isn’t. No one can guarantee your safety in almost any situation in terms of the virus. Everyone who is enabling unsafe behavior in the name of business or ‘freedom’ knows in their heart that they are fucking up and putting themselves and others at risk. If you press them or yourself along those lines you will eventually snap and let out an angry, ‘I KNOW! OK?’ No. It isn’t really. It’s worse now than it’s ever been. I wish we could not be babies.

It seems there is hope at the end of the tunnel or at least a better bit of tunnel. Let’s try to get there before we kill ourselves one way or the other.

Today I talk to Johnny Flynn, my co-star in the film ‘Stardust.’ It opens this Wednesday the 25th. He plays Bowie. He’s also a musician with several albums out. On Thursday we’re finally posting a talk with Mike Campbell from the Heartbreakers that we recorded before Covid. He asked if we would hold it until the release of his record. It’s here now. Good talks.


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I Have To.

Goddammit, People!

I’m still me.

I plow along through the terror of the times, politically and virally. I deal with the evolving state of my grief and find some room within it to be grounded. I am engaging in creating from all these places one way or the other and I think it is good for me. It is what I do.

The problem in the micro is, in the quiet moments I have, that are generally not on purpose, I see myself. As I am.

I’m fine. I’m dealing. I’d like to think that I have evolved or changed or have grown somehow--emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, psychologically. I don’t know. When I’m with someone, I live in relation to them. I guess it’s codependency or maybe it’s just the nature of love or what I understand love to be. Now I am dispatched and detached, dealing with my emotions and sense of self relatively solo and guarded. I can tap right into what I used to be, who I always was, an oversensitive, insecure, panicky, self-loathing person who is very hard on himself almost always.

I know where it comes from. If you’ve done any work on yourself, you know what’s up but that doesn’t really matter after a point. I found something Lynn wrote and it was devastating. It was early on, I think. ‘If I can get Marc to love himself, I believe he can love me.’ Heartbreaking. I was getting there. With her.

Now, I’m at a loss as to how to continue.

Meditation keeps coming up. Lynn meditated, twice a day.

My therapist says that through meditation self-acceptance and self-love is possible. Why do I fight it? I have TIME. Because I’m a compulsive ape. She hipped me to the idea that because we are animals we are negative. It is the human interpretation of constant fight or flight. It takes vigilance and silence to manage it and make it positive. Garry Shandling told me if you can’t sit with silence, you’re an addict. He meant anyone. That the need for distraction itself is addiction.

The reason I don’t meditate is I want relief NOW! Like a baby. I want caffeine, nicotine, sugar, attention, adulation, sex, etc. I want to feel the now-feels that make me stop feeling the always bad feels.

I am fortunate that my sobriety is strong and deep enough that I never think about drinking or using the bad drugs and I haven’t drifted back to nicotine. Though I am close. I want to feel like not me.

I need to get hip to sitting in silence and continuing what Lynn started in me because she believed. I have to believe.

I knew I would know myself deeper and all the way due to this lockdown and in the shadow of tragedy. I did not know that the struggle would be to find meaning in continuing to get better and still trying to experience happiness and self-love and acceptance in the face of fresh psychic and literal garbage being dumped daily on all of us.

Today I have a lovely, compelling talk with Glenn Close. On Thursday Michael J. Fox takes me through how he maintained positivity in the face of his struggle with Parkinson's. Great talks!


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Sweet Relief.

Oh, sweet relief, people.

Thank you. Thank you all. The pig president is on his way out in a slumped waddle.

I don’t know if what I feel is hope but I am no longer filled with terror every second and I feel there might be a little consistency to the structure of the future on a governmental level. Grounded. We got new management. We needed it. I think we all have to appreciate the fact that we were on the precipice of real fascism here. Another four years would’ve done it. For real. We have held it back for now. We all should stay engaged, vigilant, help where we can and where it is needed.

Fucking relieved.

How grounding was it to hear a couple of old-style, direct, thoughtful, uplifting political speeches from our newly elected human leaders? Kamala was great. Joe’s speech was on point. I’m ready for some grown up talk. I’m ready for some genuine concern from humans that have empathy and can experience joy. Just to watch them at the end of the acceptance speeches up on the stage with their families being fucking normal was much more touching than it should’ve been because we have all been the victims of daily emotional abuse. Traumatized. Deeply. And though it doesn’t seem quite real yet because the abuser is still under contract, it is healing to feel like our new leaders have American interests at heart on the national level and the human level.

We really can't underestimate just the symbolic power of a president and its impact on the people. We have an incoming president and vice president who are competent and concerned.

All the ghouls and stooges will be gone soon and have to find jobs at places that need ghouls and stooges. Barr, Miller, Don Jr., Ivanka, Meadows (maybe dead), Pence, DeVos, et al. Trump will probably try to lead as some kind of pig royalty in exile. Maybe in Florida or Russia. I think he has automatic oligarch status. He has enough points.

I’m glad America might make it. At least for a while longer. What we are as a country in all its diversity will be better represented now. We all have to step up and fight for it. Daily. Somehow.

Today I talk to Frank Langella. Great actor. We talked before the election. On Thursday I post my pre-election talk with Rhea Seehorn. Another great actor. Great talks all around.


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See You All on the Other Side.

Vote, People!

I know I don’t have to tell you all that. You know. This is the last couple of days…of the free world. Possibly.

I’ve done what I can. I voted. I gave money. I tried to comfort myself and others. I have spoken out. Now, we wait.

I’ve gone through many phases of terror and anxiety over the last four years. The full spectrum from fearing for my life to fearing for all our lives. Now, I am at some kind of peace somehow. Maybe it’s total panic that’s taken on a calming feeling. The Ritalin effect of the world ending. I don’t know.

I think I have some clarity. It could go either way. One much worse than the other and possibly the end of our political system and the beginning of an Authoritarian America that will usher in the end of the species. I really didn’t want to live through the end of reality and life as I knew it. It is happening though. I imagine I will adapt and react to whatever happens somewhat appropriately or collapse into soul death and perpetual fear. I don’t know.

Let’s hope for new management.

I do know I am going away and I am actually going to try to disconnect for a few days and re-enter on the 4th. I know I’m going to miss all the fireworks and explosions and battles and the beginning of the civil war but it will be here when I get back. I feel like I have done what I can and sitting and watching numbers and maps all day interspersed with stories about fascistic chaos at polling places and on highways doesn’t sound great to me.

Today I talk to my old friend David Cross. It’s always good to talk to him. He makes me laugh. On Thursday I talk to Heidi Schreck about her show ‘What the Constitution Means to Me.’ That’s barring the necessity to address a current shitstorm that renders regular WTF content tone deaf or useless. So, I’m hoping for Heidi.

See you all on the other side, probably. Godspeed.


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I can’t take it, People.
Just saying. I can, obviously. Man, it’s tough though. 
I never feel well. Physically. I get tested for Covid like every other week. Even though I am painfully cautious, I still go out into the world. I am starting to realize a couple of things. I may have allergies that come and go that I didn’t have before. Stress, fear and anxiety cause real life physical symptoms. I mean, I knew that. It’s just now we are all in the same shit. It’s not just my head. 

There is plenty to be stressed about, anxious about and terrified of. We are actually scared for our lives in so many ways. So if you are experiencing fatigue, increased heart rate, rapid breathing, sweating, trembling, weakness, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, gastrointestinal issues, panic, dizziness, aches and pains, grinding of your jaw, headaches, loss of appetite, increase of appetite and/or muscle tension it might just be an unconscious response to life and what is happening in the world right now. The only people that aren’t experiencing some of these are probably the people that want to kill us or like seeing us freaked out. They are yet another reason for us to be stressed and anxious. Around and around we go. 
I mean, you could be sick with some of these symptoms but you may just be filled with fear. I’m no doctor.
I’m coming off a sugar and carb bender that ended in exciting shame. As you know my friend Patton had some ice cream sent over last week. That took a few days to get through and left me jonseing for the sweet stuff. It put that sugar monkey right up on my back. Twisted my brain. I got obsessed with making a Kentucky Butter Cake that I saw on the NYT Cooking Instagram. So, I got all the stuff to make it. All I wanted was for it to come out perfect so I could eat one slice and then get rid of the cake or battle with it for a few days until I hated myself and threw whatever was left away. It escalated quickly.
I made the cake batter and poured it into a bundt pan. It was an egg and butter and sugar and buttermilk and flour situation. The idea was to create a spongy cake that I would take out of the oven and then pour butter and sugar syrup over it after I poked holes in the cake so it would just be saturated with this syrup. I didn’t put the right amount of water in the pot. The syrup was too thick and it just sat on top of what was going to be the bottom of the cake and began to harden. I was furious. It wasn’t perfect. I was supposed to let it sit for three hours. 

After about an hour and half I tried to get the cake out of the pan and slammed it too hard on a plate, breaking the plate. I got another plate and tried shaking the cake out again. Half came out in chunks. So, it was just chunks of cake with clumping sugar glaze on them. I angrily threw what was left in the garbage. Then I furiously shoved the broken chunks of cake in my mouth. IT WAS SO GOOD. 
Point being, I was mad about fucking up the cake. I inhaled a bunch of it. I was giddy with sugar. That lasted a half-hour until I was furious at myself for all that I ate. 
Silver lining: There is no more cake. 
Today I talk to the very smart and funny Hari Kondabolu. We go back a bit. He was an angry young upstart and I was an angry old veteran when I met him. On Thursday I talk to comedian Melinda Hill. I’ve known her for a long time. Glad we got to set down IN PERSON and do the thing. Good talks. 

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Another week, People
We’ve adapted. We are living this life, masked, isolated, nervous, strapped. Because it is all so immediate and truly traumatic there is no way to reflect on what is happening because we are fucking in it. The only reflections that seem coherent are of another time. A time before the plague. Before the fascism. Before our history became hazy and fragmented. 
Because of that we hold on to some preconceived notion of our collective reality that is reinforced by all the old movies we are watching. Even new movies that were before the virus are of another time.  All this gives us a false sense of comfort that there will be a return. 
There won’t be new art until we can reflect on the end of history and the decline of the species and how that looks. The masked, mediated, isolated strain of the beginning of the new age of decline that we are living through. It’s all nostalgia now and probably spiritually malignant. 
The new stuff looks like us looking into a computer. Looking into a phone. Looking into a camera. Sitting in rooms that weren’t meant to be stages. It’s familiar and human and sad. Desperate times. We have to keep working, keep pretending. Fake it until you make it, right? Are we going to make it?
Anyway, how’s it going? I’m okay. At home. Doing the stuff. Eating. Beating up on me. 
I was a worshipper of the beatnik idea. I loved the beats. I was decades late but I thought they meant something. Through them I found poetry that worked for me. Ideas about life that explained what came before them and what came after. I wanted to live in the immediacy that they represented. In motion. Creative. Explosive. Brave. The culture-shifters of the late-'50s. I came of age in the late-'70s and '80s. The worst. Why wouldn’t I have sought solace in the beats? They were the gateway to the '60s and '70s. 
I talked to Patti Smith today who I see as a true legacy to the beats. Through them, she and I found Rimbaud, Blake. She was in the crumbling NYC of the '70s, ranting poetry, making art, when it was real and raw. Rock and roll was breaking apart and reforming itself. Dirty. 
She knew Burroughs and Ginsberg when they were old men and she was the heir apparent to the creative ideas they represented. 
I love her. I love them. It was a real honor to talk to her.
Here’s a couple of Burroughs quotes I think apply to where we are… always. 
“The junk merchant doesn't sell his product to the consumer, he sells the consumer to his product. He does not improve and simplify his merchandise. He degrades and simplifies the client.” 
“Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.” 
A country full of marks. 
On Thursday I talk to Matthew McConaughey and let him lay out his hustle. 
Great talks. 

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New Management.

It goes on, People.

 Days are like weeks with no dates or names. Certain patterns have settled. Personal worlds are small. I really have no sense of what is going on ten miles from my house let alone what is really going on across the country or around the world. Not that I ever really did. 
I know its been a horrendously difficult time for many people. Do we get out of this? I don’t know.

 I’m not as totally freaked out as I have been but that could just be because I am writing this early in the day. I just woke up. 
I’m going to drive around today. Assess. There’s a lot of people near where I live collecting donations for Armenia. I should know what is going on there. Should do some research. I should know what is going on in my city as well. So many people up against devastating odds. Washed out. 
The mediated reality clings to what it used to be and all I can say about the current state of daily entertainment is that it is an honest reflection of the life many of us are living. At home. Raw. Vulnerable. Human-seeming without the trappings of the song and dance and fashion. People are getting better at manufacturing their own song and dance businesses from home. 
Song and dance won’t save us. It’s losing its ability to even distract us. We dig into the always-all-there history of art and entertainment for our nostalgia fixes. What happens when there’s no more nostalgia to eat?
The country is desperately in need of new management. I hope we can make that happen. 
My grief has eased into a sadness that is lingering deep in me and probably will for the rest of my life. I miss Lynn. I don’t know if I have another love in me, really. How many do you get in a life? Broken hearts? How many do you get to break in a life? Hearts. It takes its toll. 
Wayne Coyne from the Flaming Lips was in town and wanted to come over and talk. He was on a long time ago but I thought, why not? I like him. He’s an odd sort and he was willing to hang in person. Balls. So, that’s today’s talk. Not unlike Wayne, my old friend Lewis Black has a thing happening and wanted to talk. He’s been on a couple times and I always like talking to him so he’s on again. That’s Thursday. Great talks. 

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Peace, People.
We’ve had a pause. A dark reprieve. A little quiet. 
While the monster has been in the hospital, it’s amazing how even the air has seemed lighter. My phone isn’t a terrorist in my pocket screaming about shattering my country and breaking my mind every ten minutes. My endorphins aren’t jacked with fear and concern and feelings of helplessness and fury. 
What I have learned over the last few days is really just how much air and space that asshole sets on fire every day. It is so nice to have this calm as he sits in the darkness of disease surely learning nothing and reflecting on nothing other than his own fear and his own future. 
You would hope that the angry, delusional followers of this beast will have a come-to-Jesus moment. Seeing his humanity, in the form of succumbing to an illness he has trivialized for months, leading to the infection of millions and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Maybe some of his supporters will, at the very least, start to take it fucking seriously so more of us don’t have to die. Because this president is no leader. He’s a cowardly enabler of the worst impulses and actions of humans. 
Maybe a few will wake the fuck up and behave like adults. 
Who knows?
I can honestly say I don’t really care whether he dies or not. I don’t wish it upon him but he is one of the worst examples of the human species in the history of humans. I’m not saying he deserves it or that he has it coming. We all have it coming. I would actually rather see him voted out, dramatically. I would like to see the system he has tried to destroy take him down in a purely American way. Repudiate him. 
He has no respect for anything and only cares about himself and his selfishness has left thousands to die in this country. 
He believes in nothing. He is not a man of God. He was not chosen by God. If there is a God I’m willing to bet that God finds him unbearable. 

It seems that this whole shattering of the illusion through disease took place at the nomination ceremony of the new Supreme Court justice. A seemingly fanatically religious Catholic woman out to set back women's rights decades, if not permanently. It was like a celebration of the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but she had Yahweh’s ear and shit was brought down upon the travesty. Old Testament-style. Plague, fuckers. 
Vote this fucker out. Enough is enough. Don’t be suckers. 
My hand is doing better. 
Today I talk to John Cusack about acting and stuff. On Thursday I talk to Wynton Marsalis about jazz and race and stuff. Good talks!
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The Casual Pal.

Happy Birthday, People...
...on the outside chance that someone has a birthday today. Mine was yesterday. I was born on Kol Nidre. The eve of Yom Kippur. I think that means something. God ushered me into the world personally on his way down to hang with the Jews and hear them out. Let them come clean. 
I was told by a very Jewy acquaintance that on this day, today, God is closer to us then he is all year. Like an eclipse. Apparently, you can talk to him casually today. I’m not sure why the change in protocol but I assume it has something to do with sharing your transgressions and shameful secrets and bad things and asking for forgiveness. This is atonement day! You dirty, self-aware apes! You know what you have done, you weeping monkey. Why should you be written into the book of life for another year? Filthy monster. Why?
I assume because of my personal and casual relationship with God from birth that I’m good. I don’t know, really. I am constantly struggling with myself and with my actions and thoughts, with my past and present. Today I will speak to God casually and ask him for help on behalf of all decent humans and even filthy shameless apes. Help us, pal. I’m using the casual ‘pal’ to appeal to the rules of the day but I am fucking serious. God, help us. It’s me, Marc. You brought me down here. 
What do you want me to do? How can I help? I’ve done all I can to warn the dummies. Are you trying to teach us something? Is it too late? God, seriously. I’m sorry on behalf of humanity. The good humans and the apathetic ones. The shamelessly evil ones you are going to have to deal with. I can't speak for them. 
On my birthday I drove to the beach and sat on a rock. Spoke to sky, said hi to Lynn, thought about fishing, watched families having fun, listened to the waves, wondered how dumb birds are and reflected on my life. I ate mediocre Indian food last night for the first time in months. It hasn’t changed. Texted with friends. I talked to my father. I ate cheese. I listened to Tim Maia’s ‘Nobody Can Live Forever’ on repeat for a while. 
I am alive. I am here. I am full of dread but hope creeps in sometimes and life in this moment is okay. Happy birthday to me. 
Today I talk to Cecily Strong about herself and SNL and stuff. On Thursday I talk to documentarian Barbara Kopple about her work, including a Sprint commercial she directed in Texas featuring me. Good talks!

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On the Horizon.

Onward, Folks.
Plodding on. The heaviness is real. RBG was 87 years old. She died. Dark days. 
It really is too much. It seems that just when you think it’s only going to get worse, it does. There seems to be no end to it. There’s no bottom in sight. Not that her death was necessarily part of it. It was, but she was old and sick and held on as long as she could. Now, there’s a frenzy of righteousness and wokeatude and a call to arms (voices and action, unlike the other side which would be actual arms) to stop the hemorrhaging of our dying democracy and get out the vote and try to get senators to do something by getting out into the streets if necessary. We’ll see. 
It seems like a good many people really had no idea what the last election would possibly mean in terms of the court. This passion and panic might work a bit but it’s really kind of amazing how many people didn’t (and don’t) give a shit and don’t really want to get into politics or care about civic duty. Look, I’m not perfect, but I’m pretty hip to what is happening. Now, as the vessel is breaking apart, all the bad news is just flaming shrapnel. Fascism is on the horizon and everyone knows there are no more happy endings but they’ll settle for a leveling. 
Make note all you fucks who thought I was overreacting. 
That said, I seem to be resigned to staying around both physically and geographically. Mostly out of fear and laziness in terms of trying to get it together to get out in the middle of a plague and I don’t want to be dead, yet. It might not be the time to run and where to, really. Time to fight it out with the rest of the angry, sad, desperate people. 
In other news, Happy New Year Jews. Hopefully 5781 will be better than 5780! Not starting off great. On Jewish New Year’s Eve, RBG dies and then there’s a fucking earthquake in LA. I mean, fuck. It’s going to make a believer out of me. In what, I don’t know. How to interpret the signs? I don’t know. My birthday falls on Kol Nidre this year. That’s fun. Right? It did when I was born too. No wonder I’m heavy hearted. Yeah, so. A bit bleak but I’ll have some cake and try to figure out what it means if anything. What am I supposed to do and if not now, when?
Earthquakes really shake you into the present and give you some perspective. It’s not a great view but it's immediate. 
Today we have a NYC doubleheader. I have a bit of a talk with Alicia Keys and then a little longer talk with John Leguizamo. They were both fun. On Thursday I talk to director Barry Levinson. That was a great talk. Really good. 

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It Can Always Get Worse.

Smokey, Folks.
It really is kind of amazing that there seems to be no end to the overwhelming, dystopian shitstorm happening. I’m wary to say it can’t get much worse because obviously it can. Much.
I’m just trying to deal. Trying not to let grief and sadness catalyze into real depression. It is hard. I’m up against some pretty steep obstacles in the process here. One of them became my hike. Which is a fairly steep incline and one of the few things keeping me sane.
The air was fairly unbreathable here in LA last week. Granted it was not as bad as some places but it was awful. It gave me a headache, sore throat, itchy eyes and achy lungs. It was real. It was scary. It was maddening that I couldn’t exercise. The one way I know to keep my sanity relatively in check was being hijacked by the apocalypse. By the time Saturday rolled around I had been sitting inside at home like a sad cat staring out the window for days at the burning orange end times sun. I felt my brain and body atrophying. I had to make a choice.
Is this what life is going to be now? Just a day to day struggle to adapt to environmental adversity and disease? If I am choosing to live in this reality shouldn’t I be figuring out a way to engage with that life in a way other than being a victim? Adapt. I mean, this may be what it is for the rest of my life. It may even get worse. Why wouldn’t it?
So, I woke up. Checked my air quality app. It was moderate. There was a window. It looked like it would last a couple of hours. So, I strapped on an N95 mask and it wasn’t for Covid, it was for air quality (and Covid). I had never climbed the entire mountain with a mask. That was my goal. I usually take it on and off depending on proximity to other people. Not this time. I was going all the way and I was going to deal with it. This was what I needed to do to live in this reality, I thought.
I did it. Sadly, I was proud of myself for being stupid and hiking in unbreathable garbage but rising to the situation by masking up properly for smoke. I was excited that I was beginning the adaptation process. This is the exciting life of struggling to survive, trying to enjoy the pastimes of better days.
Today I talk to the amazing Toni Collette about many things. Including Charlie Kaufman’s ‘I’m Thinking About Ending Things,’ which annoyed me. Not her, the movie. On Thursday I talk to the amazing character actor Wendell Pierce about his life and work. Love that guy. Great talks.

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Heating Up.

Very hot, Friends.
I’m sort of waiting for the power to crap out but it hasn’t. Yet. Knock on wood. I’m trying to limit my usage. Then I think, 'Am I going to make the difference?' That’s the slippery slope. ‘I’m not really the one causing the problem.’ It’s the flip side of ‘My vote doesn’t matter.’ Both have dire consequences if everyone started to think that way. It’s an easy way to think. Selfish. Selfish seems pretty easy for most of us. 
So, I’m sitting here in the dark with all the blinds closed listening to an old Robyn Hitchcock record. It’s working. I’m going to run upstairs and turn off the AC. I’m not up there. See, I’m sacrificing for the good of everyone. Small sacrifice. Waaaah, I’m a little hot and uncomfortable. This shit species is hitting the cosmic fan. 
Just remember, people: A ‘businessman’ is the only one who can run a business into the ground. Now we’re living in it. Good job.
I’m trying to pull out of the invisible weight of grief to try to read, listen, watch more. Grief or no grief, sometimes I don’t understand what the point is as we hurtle toward all kinds of disasters on all levels—political, existential, spiritual, psychological, scientific, religious, economic, etc. You get it. All of it. Why should I try to plod my way through a complicated book on Rainer Werner Fassbinder that takes me a half hour to unpack a paragraph of the dense critical writing of the author? It is worth the work. I mean, I get it. What is the point of making cultural and art criticism so dense? WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO KEEP ME OUT? WHY CAN'T YOU SPEAK PLAINLY? TIGHTEN IT UP! Oh, that’s my job. 
The point is, I’m loading up my head and heart with the good shit. The love and the art. All the Criterion Channel stuff I needed to catch up on like ‘Women Under the Influence’ for a third time. I’m reading the poems. I’m listening to Ornette Coleman and Albert Ayler and Mingus and the rest. I’m taking in the paintings. I’m reading select paragraphs from dense books about politics and art and science. FOR WHAT?
I know! When the big frequency buckles and the cataclysmic catharsis is upon us and we all look up into the sky and then at each other as we simultaneously experience out last moments alive, because of the homework we did out of boredom, in that moment we will all understand Charlie Kaufman’s ‘I’m Thinking of Ending Things.’ All those who didn’t load up will die peacefully and perhaps be saved. The rest of us go in a grand epiphany of ‘I told you so.’ 
Today I talk to director Arthur Jones and artist Matt Furie about their documentary ‘Feels Good Man’ which is about the evolution of the alt-right online and the appropriation of Matt’s creation, Pepe the Frog. Also on today’s show I talk to New Yorker writer Andrew Marantz about QAnon and related horrors. On Thursday I lighten things up with Martin Short. Great talks. 

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