He was a good cat.

Okay, People-

The first week of shooting of my IFC show was awesome. I really have no precedent in my life for what is happening. I’ve done a few little things here and there but now I am shooting 12-13 hour days and it is an amazing experience. Everything I have done in my life has lead up to this. I think if this had happened even five years ago I would have been out of my mind with panic and insane. For some reason that is not happening. I guess I know the reasons. I had a hand in all of the writing, the casting, the set, the car, the selection of cat, the locations and the clothes so I’m sure that all has something to do with my comfort level. I think I am doing a pretty good job playing the part of me. It’s not as easy as you think. I’m a fairly complex character. I’m glad I’m familiar with most of my motivations.

No good news on the Boomer front. I’m losing hope. I put out some flyers in the surrounding homes and I’ve been keeping an eye out but no sign. It’s heart breaking but when you have an outdoor cat you always sort of prepare for this. There are a bunch of signs around the hood for other missing cats. That is not a good omen. There may be Coyotes in the hills. I really don’t want to think about that. I’d rather think of him eating in someone else’s place and happy. If I entertain the Coyote scenario it’s Boomie with the Trickster spirit being taken on some kind of vision quest or heroic trek only to return with ancient wisdom.

I have to say I have learned something about the nature of hope in the last week. The feeling of hoping that Boomie is okay runs deep. I want that. I want him back. The hope that he comes back is powerful because I know if he does that everything will be okay for at least a little while. That is the hope of return realized. Hanging on to that hope is tough. Boomie has made me understand Jesus better. The idea that someone is going to come back and take you with him to the best place ever is pretty heavy—that one requires faith which I don’t have. I’ll just wait it out and see if Boomie comes home. I’m not ready for Jesus.

If he doesn’t come home I will have to just appreciate the time we spent and remember him well. He was a good cat.

On Monday I am embracing the Black comedy community so back off. I talk to Ali Leroi, John Davies and R.C. Lambert about the film Phunny Business which is a documentary about All Jokes Aside, the now defunct comedy club in Chicago. On Thursday the Nerdist's Jonah Ray talks about growing up in Hawaii, music and the funny. So dig that.

Hope you are all well.


Boomer is missing.

Hey, Folks-

I’m freaking out. More on that in a minute.

Thanks to everyone who came out to The Magic Bag Theater in Ferndale, MI. We packed it out and they were great shows. I really appreciate everyone hanging out and saying hi after. I had a blast, hope you all did as well!

I’m freaking out. For reals. Boomer split. I have no idea where he is. He’s been gone since Friday morning and I’m trying not think the worst. He’s done this before but not for two days that I can remember. I am not keeping it together. I love that guy. He’s been with me for ten years. I guess all I can do is wait it out. It’s just hard. I don’t want to bum you guys out, it’s just what is going on right now. Me and Jess are a bit fraught.

I start shooting the IFC show today. Most of it will take place in and around Highland Park. I want to showcase the hood. The house that is supposed to be my house is genius. The set and design people are awesome. I’m nervous but excited. We are shooting for 5 weeks. I’ve never been in this position, ever. I’m trying to just stay in the present and not to freak out. Obviously it is barely working. I spent the entire plane trip to Detroit worrying about whether or not I was getting a cold sore and how could I shoot scenes with a cold sore. I was obsessing hard on it. I think I almost gave myself one. Then I started obsessing about Boomer. I want him to come back. I was getting so sad on the plane I didn’t know whether or not I would be funny in Ferndale. Between the made up cold sore and the very real Boomer issue I couldn’t shake it. It’s been a while since I really mentally clamped down on sadness and fear like that. I was able to compartmentalize it. I did good shows. Now I am on the plane home making flyers to put out in the neighborhood for Boomer. I hope he comes home. My first day of shooting revolves around him. There will be another cat playing him but if he doesn’t come home the sadness will be heavy.

Again, don’t want to bum you out. This is just what’s up.

Gilbert Gottfried is in the garage on Monday. I don’t think I got him all the way out of the schtick but maybe half-way. He was great. On Thursday, Dave Alvin. The former guitar player and leader of The Blasters. He’s one of my favorites. We had a good rap. We jammed a bit.



I burped oregano for hours.

Okay, People-

One more time for this! Ferndale, Michigan! I will be at the Magic Bag Theater on Saturday September 29th for two shows. Let’s do this!

Thanks to all of you WTFers for coming out to the LA Independent for the live show at RiotLA. It was insane. Killer. Good seeing everyone!

Feeling a little ill. I hate the nag of an almost-illness. I guess that you can look at life like that but I’m talking specifically about that nastiness in the back if your throat. That woozy feeling that comes when your body is trying to kick something’s ass on a cellular level. I’m one of those people that still hangs on to the idea that I can stop a sickness if I catch it early enough. The way I do it is with oregano oil. I was told by a fishmonger who was told by a music store owner who was told by a fisherman that oregano oil was the shit and it would kick all bacterial and viral ass if you took it in time. I’ll always take the word of a fisherman. I won’t believe they are God, but they are out there among the elements so I think they know what they are talking about.

I have bought some standard oregano oil supplements and I have paid top dollar for some badass high concentrate oregano oil supplements but honestly I haven’t been doing it for a while. The last batch I bought was just some no-name-ish Whole Foods stuff that seemed to pack more of a punch than any other I had administered. When I woke up the other day I felt the nag. I went into the kitchen and I filled the dropper with the magic oil and squirted it directly down my throat. I had not eaten or had anything to drink and my throat was on fire. I could feel the burn up into my head. My eyes were watering. It continued to burn down my esophagus and into my stomach. Then I felt my entire body trying to reject what I had put in it. I was coughing and gagging and hunched over holding my guts. All I knew was that what was done was done and I would have to ride it out. After about five minutes it started to ease up and all I thought was, “This will work.”

I mean, after what I went through, how could it not? I burped oregano for hours.

So far so good. Still feel a little ill but I do not want to go through that again, so I’m hoping for the best. But I’ll probably do it again. That’s the way I am.

Three shows this week! Monday, from The State and Reno 911, the amazing Kerri Kenney-Silver. On Wednesday, artist Christopher Cooper, (“Coop”) talks hot rods, painting and Satan. On Friday, from Dr. Katz, Home Movies and the creator of Bob’s Burgers, Loren Bouchard. Great talks. Great week. Hope you dig it.


LaFonda is back.

Here we go, People-

I will be at RiotLA on Saturday, September 22nd for a storytelling show and a live WTF with Ron Lynch, Chris Garcia, Lance Bangs, Andy Dick, Jim Earl and Eddie Pepitone.

On September 29th I will be at the Magic Bag Theater in Ferndale, MI for two shows. Should be good. I hear Detroit is on the rebound!

I don’t know when or how you all listen to the show but I thought I should inform you that LaFonda is back. To recap, she freaked out because there were strangers in the house. In a panic and fury of fur and muscle, she squeezed herself out of a three inch gap between a hooked screen door and its hinge. It was troubling to watch. Stretched rear legs shimmying out into the world terrified. She goes outside. She has been gone before. Jessica put it in my head that she might be hurt. Then I started obsessing on whether or not she ruptured something or broke a bone. Then I thought she couldn’t have gotten very far if she were hurt. Then I got mad at Jessica for putting that in my head. Then we both freaked out for a while and I walked up and down the street for an hour, in and out of my neighbors' yards, calling out her name. I ran into Robert, my neighbor Trish’s dude, and told him the situation. He knew LaFonda from her occasional tours of his yard and said he would go take a look around the property. Robert has a definite old hippy vibe. He seems like he’s seen his share of craziness and had a bit of a higher understanding of things, almost instinctual. He was one of those old, mystical sixties souls. He was going to survey about two acres of hill and beat up yards. I wasn’t holding out much hope. I went home. Within 20 minutes Robert was at the door.

“I found her. She’s under the shed on the lot next door,” he said.

I though he was a savant of some kind. A re-incarnated tracker. A cat whisperer.

He lead me over to this rotting shed behind some old cars and we looked underneath. Amidst scary, old lumber and precarious balanced car parts and crap there was LaFonda. Just hanging out.

I knew I couldn’t get her to come out but I was happy I knew where she was. I went home and eased the tension between Jessica and I that had built up from the panic. I was just shy of having another female in my life shimmy out the door panicked and angry.

LaFonda came back all jacked up from the outdoors, wild and wise. It took her an hour to settle back into the couch.

Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key are on the show today. They are the creators, writers and performers of their own sketch show on Comedy Central. Great guys. We had a fun smart talk about women, puppets, race and acting, among other things. On Thursday I talk to Jim Rash about Community and The Descendants. It was a great window into the evolution of script.



I Believe!


I will be at The Magic Bag Theater in Ferndale, Michigan, on September 29th for two shows if you are around. Also, I will be doing a Live WTF at RiotLA and a storytelling event on September 22nd if you are in the area. I’m pulling back on the travel due to the production schedule of my IFC show. Shit is getting real, folks. It seems to be going well. The scripts are looking good.

Cabinets makers and wood workers! Thank you for all of your emails and examples of your work. There are some amazing craftsmen and women out there. I am so glad that I have such creative fans. I guess many of you listen to me as you work. I am flattered.

It is odd how I made my choice of who to do the shelves in my living room. I got an email last week from a dude I met briefly a couple of times up in the Bay Area. He heard my call for a wood worker and said he would be in LA for two weeks beginning this week and would knock out the shelves while he was here. I loved the immediacy of it all. I looked at some of his work. It seemed good. He came over. I drew him a sketch of what I wanted. An hour later he sent me a plan. I said, ‘Do it!’ So, this cat is making my shelves in his mother’s garage with tools he brought down from the Ukiah area. We’ll see how it goes. I just love the spontaneity of the whole thing. It’s like he’s going to riff these shelves into my house. I believe!

The work that some of you do is so beautiful. Some of it was almost too nice for my house. I would be afraid to set things on it. I will be needing more stuff so, again, I thank you for stepping up with work.

I had met Andrew W.K. briefly once before but I really had no idea what a wild mind and intense charisma he had until I got him in the garage. We had an amazing free flowing conversation covering everything from conspiracy theories to Captain Beefheart. You will hear that talk on Monday. On Thursday one of my favorite writers, who works the beat of old show biz stories, is on the show. Kliph Nesteroff is an absolutely amazing chronicler of the seedy old days of comedy and a unique historian of the dark side of funny. You can see his work at WFMU’s Beware of the Blog. Great talk.

