WTF with Marc Maron - The First 100 Episodes

Click here to order the special DVD of "WTF - The First 100 Episodes" from AST Records.

It's a 2-disc DVD with mp3 audio files of the First 100 episodes for you to download. So for everyone asking how to download old episodes of WTF as opposed to streaming them on the app, this is for you.

This set has some of our classic episodes with Robin Williams, Maria Bamford, Dane Cook, Zach Galifianakis and the 2-parter with Carlos Mencia.

And as a special bonus, there's a nearly 2-hour live video of WTF at The Bell House in Brooklyn, featuring Artie Lange, Ira Glass, Morgan Spurlock and more.

It's over 100 hours of WTF for you to enjoy whenever and wherever you want.

The 2-disc set is available NOW from AST Records.

Do it!

Nice Ones.

Okay, People-

Hello, Portland! I will be in your not-so-fair, peculiar but charming city this weekend at Helium Comedy Club, April 19th, 20th, and 21st. I love it up there and I am looking forward to hanging out. Come down if you can. The following week I will be at The Moontower Comedy Festival in Austin, Texas for one big show at the Mohawk on April 26th. Can’t wait for that. Austin rocks.

As I get older I wonder if I have been a prude my whole life when it comes to certain things. I don’t have tattoos. I like them okay. I like looking at nice ones. I just could never think of something I would want tattooed on my body that I would like having there my whole life. I barely like my body without tattoos and most of the time wish I had a different one. So, I just leave it be. Maybe a tattoo would make me like my body as a canvas of a painting that is so fucking cool that I forget I hate my body for a while. Eventually I’m sure I’d be looking in the mirror thinking, ‘Wow, I look fat AND I have a punk rock mermaid perched on a skull over my left boob. So, now I am a fat idiot.’ Needless to say I don’t want a tattoo.

I was at my buddy’s house the other night hanging out with him and his girl. We were talking about Japan and they were talking about how the Japanese don’t dig tattoos as a culture, especially on women. Then my buddy said his girl, who was sitting next to me, was in a magazine photo shoot and in the edit they photoshopped her tattoos off her body. Then she handed me the magazine and showed me the picture and she was naked in them. Now I’m on a couch sitting next to my buddy looking at a picture of his naked girl and she’s showing them to me. What I was thinking was, ‘Hey, that’s you and those are your boobs. Wow. You’re like right here and I’m looking at a picture of your boobs.’ What I wanted to say was, ‘Hey, nice ones.’ What I did say, detached and professional like was, ‘So, where’s the tattoo supposed to be?’ She pointed to her lower back. Then I said, ‘It’s amazing that they can just do that.’ WHAT? I pretended to be cool. My question to me is, ‘Why aren’t you cool? You should just be cool with that, right? Not pretending to be cool. What are you, a teenager?’ Maybe I’m just a man. I should’ve just said, ‘Nice ones.’ See, I’m a fucking prude.

On the show this week: On Monday, I talk to Stephen Merchant. I was glad to get him alone. He’s a funny, smart guy and I don’t know if he would’ve gotten a word in if what’s his name was there. On Thursday, I talk to the biggest comic in the country, Kevin Hart. If you haven’t heard of him, what does that make you? Out of the loop. Seriously though, he’s the biggest selling act in the country and he’s a funny fucker and a great guy. Enjoy.

Love you all.

I would call it aggressive exfoliation.

Okay, things are okay, all-

Thank you to all of the WTForadians for coming out to the shows in Denver at the Comedy Works! Great club. I can’t tell you enough how much better it is to play an independently owned comedy club with a heart and a history than playing a corporate club that gives away tickets and only cares about drinks and not the quality of the show. Support independent comedy clubs whenever you can. Write them and tell them who you want to see.

I have a few shows coming up I would like to hip you to. This weekend I am returning to The Stress Factory in New Brunswick, New Jersey. That’s April 13 and 14. It will be my only East Coast shows for a bit so come out if you are in the region. I haven’t been there in years. It is my homestate so maybe something deep and funny will erupt out of me. The following week I return to Helium in Portland, Oregon. That’s April 19, 20 & 21. I love it up there even if I don’t quite get what’s going on there. I will also be appearing at The Moontower Comedy Festival in Austin, Texas on April 26. Love the Austin. Let’s do it.

I tried to relax this week. I went to a spa in Santa Fe for a few days. Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not some kind of entitled celebrity who trots off to a spa to rejuvenate. As some of you know, New Mexico is my home state. So, I figured I could do the spa thing and see my dad. I was prepared for a complete Yin Yang experience. I knew I was gambling by doing the spa first for a couple of days and then seeing my dad on the last night I was in town. Going to the source of the problems with my wiring could result in an overload of the system and erase whatever fleeting peace I achieved with the hot tub, massage and salt scrub.

I’m not a big spa guy. I don’t know how to spa. I was with Jessica so that was nice. We had a couple’s massage. Generally I don’t really like being naked and touched by detached older women with big arms but it was nice. The salt scrub was basically being coated in hot oil and salted then rubbed hard. I would call it aggressive exfoliation. It felt painful but proactive. It worked. I was relaxed. Heading to my father’s in Albuquerque I could feel a life’s worth of defenses, fear and muted hostility pushing their way out of my soul towards the surface potentially threatening whatever relaxation mode I was operating on. When we got there he was in good spirits. Maybe the scrub worked because all that emotional toxicity must have just dissipated out of my pores without me even noticing. We had a nice dinner. It was good to see him.

I’m on a plane as I write this, a small one. Rob Riggle is on the plane as well. He was playing the other club in Denver. He is a Marine. There is turbulence. He seems fine and I am nervous. I am trying to glean some contact fearlessness from him. Semper Fi.

This week I talk to my old pal David Cross on Monday and the great Chris Elliott on Thursday. Good talks, both of them.

I hope you had a good holiday weekend, found eggs, ate crackers, whatever your bag is.


I thought I had tweeted my last tweet.

I’m trying to relax, folks-

Denver! I am coming. April 6th and 7th I will be performing at The Comedy Works. It is an amazing club. I can’t encourage people enough to see comics in small independent clubs if possible. They are the best. I’ll be at The Stress Factory in NJ the following weekend. It’s not a small club but it is a unique club. The dates I am there are April 13th and 14th. It’s as close to NYC as I will be for a while so if you’ve ever had the desire to travel to New Brunswick here’s your chance! All of my upcoming dates are right there to the left.

Here are some things I’d like you to help me out with. The podcast is nominated for the Comedy Awards in the ‘Best App’ and ‘Best Podcast’ categories. I’m not sure what these awards mean or whether or not they are important but I would like to win. Here are the links:



I am also in the running for one of Time Magazines 100 most influential people this year. Here’s the link for that:

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Ice House in Pasadena. We sold it out and it was an awesome show. Thanks Eddie Pepitone, Maria Bamford and Nick Youssef for doing the show. They were all great. I think we will do more in the future. It’s right down the street from my house.

I am very close to my limit of discomfort with myself. I’ve been traveling a lot and working very hard. I have been eating like shit and not doing any exercise. I am very close to the amount of self hatred that is necessary to facilitate a change in behavior. There’s got to be an easier way than going through this cycle. Shit, I am 48 years old. You would think I could level off to a healthy pattern of living but that doesn’t seem to be the case. I’m not even playing enough guitar which usually enables me to blow off some steam. I don’t feel like I have time to do anything relaxing or fun. I suppose people make time to do those things. I’m going to try to learn that. I am going to New Mexico for a few days before I go to Denver. Jessica and I are staying at a spa type of place; massages and hot tubs and salt scrubs. I just got anxious typing those activities. I am going to try to turn off my phone, computer and mind for a few days. I’m at the end of my rope, depleted. I was actually sitting in from of my computer shoveling a pint of Peanut Butter Cup ice cream into my face and I thought I had tweeted my last tweet. I just didn’t think I had anymore in me. It was a scary feeling. What was scarier than that feeling was the fact that it scared me. Ridiculous. I am also going to see my father in New Mexico and depending when I do it may render any R & R null and void and reactivate the source of my stress and panic. I mean, I’ll be going to source. I have to handle it carefully.

Carrie Brownstein is on the show today. You may know her from Portlandia but you should know here from her first band Sleater-Kinney and her new band Wild Flag because she is a fucking rock star. I loved hanging out with her. It was a little tense at first but we got the hang of each other. On Thursday Jon Glaser is in the garage. Jon is one of the funniest people I have ever seen. We talk Delocated and his career as a funny person. We also talk about family and it gets a bit emotional. He’s a sweet guy and another guy I thought didn’t like me. I’m an idiot.



What the fuck is a funnel cloud?

Hello, people of the list-

Let's plug. LA area shows! This week there is a live WTF at the Trepany House (formerly The Steve Allen Theater). It will feature the comedy of Rory Scovel, Ron Funches, Retta, Brent Weinbach, Eddie Pepitone and Jim Earl! On Thursday, March 29th, please come down to The Ice House in Pasadena and see me, Maria Bamford and Eddie Pepitone churn it up. It’s a great room.

Denver! I’ll be at The Comedy Works on April 6th & 7th. It’s a fucking awesome comedy room. Perfect, actually. Come down if you are in the Denver metro area or need to take a trip to Colorado.

Indiana, oh Indiana. I am writing this at the SOMA coffee shop in Bloomington. I had forgotten about the community of coffee shops in college towns. The local heroes of the mind sitting around doing the big work of being them - fixtures, freaks, for generations of students who come and go and may remember them as that guy who used to hang out the coffee shop. You know the one with: the hair, the jacket, those shoes, that face, those tattoos, those teeth. You know, the one who talked to himself, set himself on fire that time, hit that guy, stole the tray of muffins, smoked inside, was writing that book on napkins, disappeared, I think. You know? That guy.

The weather is unseasonably warm and perfect. I was worried. I have had the date here booked for months and last night was a showdown between the Hoosiers and the Wildcats. It was a big deal given that basketball is the primary theater of belief in these parts (the Jesus thing is a close second). This game was so important that the city took down the lampposts so the possible angry or happy revelry wouldn’t include people falling out of the sky. Sadly, the event meant nothing to me. I’m not saying that in a condescending way but it really meant nothing to me other than the possibility of taking a hit in tickets sales. The place is already small. If I really think on it, I didn’t care about ticket sales either. I like a small crowd and/or a small club and/or both. That’s where you get the real work done and The Comedy Attic is one of the best clubs in the country.

What I didn’t count on was being woken up during a much needed nap. I had to get up at 3am. I was sleeping deep in my Marriot suite and woke up to a pounding on the door.

“Guest services!”

“Uh, what? I’m good.”

“Guest services.” I went to the door.

“What’s up?”

“There was a funnel cloud seen in the area. We are recommending that guests take shelter. If you want to stay in the room the bathroom is the safest place.”

“Okay, thanks.”

It seemed like a weird time to be polite or hide the truth. What the fuck is a funnel cloud? If there is a tornado coming, which there might be, call it a fucking tornado. I can sleep through a funnel cloud but a tornado I don’t think so. I went back to the bed and tried to sleep but the hail storm pounding against the window wouldn’t let me.

Basketball, Tornados and Hail? I thought, ‘Why is this happening to me?’

None if it affected the show last night. They were great. Thanks for coming out!

It seems to be Arrested Development week on WTF. On Monday Michael Cera hangs out in the garage and on Thursday Jeffrey Tambor and I joust in front of a live audience in Austin at SXSW.



The city is built on a pyramid scheme.

Hey, gang!

Laughfest in Grand Rapids Michigan was amazing. We had a great standup show and an amazing live WTF. Thank you to all who came out! This weekend I will be in Bloomington, Indiana at The Comdey Attic. It’s a small club so the shows will be intense and intimate and funny, if you are into that kind of thing and in the area. Please check my schedule to the left of here for shows that you can come to down the street from where you are.

I turned in the manuscript for my book. I have no idea how it got written or what it is but I handed a large bunch of words to my editor and I hope we can make a book out of it. I re-read it and I think there’s some good stuff in there. I will keep you in the loop.

I stayed at the Amway Hotel in Grand Rapids. Apparently the city is built on a pyramid scheme. It is the top of the pyramid. I did absolutely no research on the founders of Amway and I honestly don’t know how they made all their money. I mean, does anyone really sell Amway? I know people think they can sell Amway and they get the kit and the order forms and the little zip pouch for all the money they are going to make going door to door with their catalog of poorly labeled products that usually need to be diluted. Does anyone even buy Amway or is its fortune built by people buying the kits? Are there any actual Amway products or is all the money just the fees from starry-eyed desperate people who think they can make a killing selling cleaning fluid in their neighborhood OR is it all a front for the illuminati and Amway is just one of the many faces of the beast? I don’t know. I know that I tried to sell it in high school and I was rejected once and put the samples in the closet.

The enchanting and odd Mary Mack is on the show on Monday. She is a true Midwesterner with an approach to comedy that has a childlike innocence. I love her. On Thursday, Molly Shannon is back on the show for a one-on-one. It was great to talk to her - a deep and funny chat.

Hope to see you soon.
