We had some amazing make up sex, twice.

Hey, People-

Boston was fahkin wicked pissah!

Before I get into that I would like to remind you Bay Area folks that I will be at SF Sketchfest this weekend doing a lot of shows including a live WTF and a stand up show. Please check out what isn’t sold out at their website. I know the live WTF is already packed out.

In general, If you are new to this email thing you can always go www.wtfpod.com and check the calendar for my upcoming dates: Oklahoma City, Minneapolis, Grand Rapis and Vancouver are all coming up.

Thank you Boston! I couldn’t figure out why I never go to Boston until I realized that I spent a lot of formative years in that city. That means there was a lot of pain and emotional drama associated with it. I went to college there for five years and then went back there to start my comedy career. Can you think of two more traumatic times in a life as college and early standup gigs? Horrifying. So many memories, so many of them awful. Boston was like a crazy, draining ex-girlfriend who I was afraid to run into.

Well, all that has changed. The live standup show and the live WTF at The Wilbur Theater were completely awesome on every level. Almost 1000 people showed up for each show and we had a blast. It was definitely a life changing experience for me. I want to formally thank the comics I had on the show. I have nothing but respect for all of them and they were great! Kenny Rogerson, Tony V, Jimmy Tingle, Mike Donovan and Frank Santorelli were just spectacular. Rick Jenkins did an awesome job opening for me as well. These guys are real pros and it was a fucking joy watching them work as they talked to me.

So, I guess you can say that me and Boston are cool now. We had some amazing make up sex, twice, and it was better than ever.

I will be on Jimmy Kimmel tonight if you want to tune and he will be on WTF today if you want to tune into to that, or both. On Thursday we will run the live WTF from Boston. I hope you can feel the love.


Biscuits & Gravy.

Hey, friends-

This week is the big Magner’s Comedy Festival in Boston. I’m doing a live WTF and a standup show on Friday Jan. 27th. There are still a few tickets if you want to come out. It’s going to be a good time. The following week I will be doing another live WTF at Sketchfest in San Francisco on Friday Feb. 3 along with some other shows.

For those of you that are relatively new to the show and you want access to the earlier episode you can always get a premium app subscription or there are some select episodes available at iTunes for purchase at WTF Premium. You can also pick up my new CD if you want on iTunes. If you get it at the site I will sign if for you.

I just want to thank you all again for all the love that came the way of the show for the Todd Glass episode. It was a big deal for him and the support that flowed his way was amazing.

I’m sitting in a hotel in Atlanta. It’s a long week here but the shows have been great. I can’t eat anymore burgers, fried food or biscuits. When you are down here, no matter where you are, you are within a mile or two of Biscuits and Gravy. You could be walking down the street and ask someone, “Hey, where can I get some good Biscuits and Gravy?” They would say, “Well, you can go down the street here a bit or you can come on in and I’ll fix you some.” Sweet people down here. Honestly.

I know now that there really aren’t that many healthy places to eat here because the last few times I’ve been here and hit this wall on the last day. Someone always brings me to the same healthy restaurant called RJ Thomas. It is an odd place that has a bunch of cage tropical birds out front. There are literally a Toucan, Cockatoos and a Macaw or two outside this place as you walk in. The place itself looks like a very small circus from the street. This time I was here I fully realized just how high you have to wave that freak flag to get it above the Confederate flag on that poll. Love the renegade progressive south when I can find it.

Ralphie May is on Monday’s show and I think we had a very intense, loaded conversation about comedy and overcoming hardship in life. Very engaging and revealing talk. On Thursday Paul Feig, the creator of Freaks and Geeks and the director of Bridesmaids, brings it to the garage with a very candid and intelligent talk about comedy, his work, Christian Science, show biz and living with some personal issues that are daunting. This is a comedy nerd dream chat. Great guy. Enjoy.


I saw Space Jesus.

Okay, Brothers and Sisters-

I will be in Atlanta at The Laughing Skull Lounge this Thursday through Sunday, Jan. 19th throughout 22nd. Come on out.

I made it out of SLC without becoming part of the LDS. I really had a great time in Utah. I swear. I was there with Ryan Singer and the crowds were great at Wiseguys. Whenever I go to SLC I’m a bit apprehensive. I get nervous. I don’t know anything about Mormonism but I know the corporate HQ is there. I wish I understood more. I wish they spent more time in their missionary efforts explaining the religion to people who are just curious as opposed to spending all their energy recruiting Latinos. I get it. Business is business. It’s all about getting higher numbers.

I was impressed with Temple Square. I saw the Space Jesus and the Tabernacle Organ and between the two, if I was in a slightly more vulnerable place, I’d be in, and out knocking on the doors of Mexican households wearing a suit within weeks. Instead I went ice skating and ate a Belgian waffle. I didn’t become Mormon but I got a little fatter. I had a great time in Utah. Thanks.

space jesus

When Todd Glass called me a few months ago because he wanted to come on the show to talk about something specific that was very important to him I was honored. I was nervous because it was very personal and I had never really had the conversation he wanted to have. I knew I just had to listen and be present for this life changing discussion. I want to thank him for thinking of me to be there for him. On Thursday classic NYC comic Fred Stoller talks about his independent film and the struggle of being and remaining Fred Stoller.

I love you all,

I have a Twitter problem.

Yes, people. It is me, Marc-

Hope everyone is digging into the new year and having a decent go at it. Let me push a few dates your way. I will be in SLC Utah this Friday and Saturday, Jan. 13th and 14th at Wiseguys with the energized and pleasant Ryan Singer. I will be in Atlanta, GA at the Laughing Skull Lounge January 19th through 22nd. I will be doing a live WTF and a standup show at the Magner’s Comedy Festival in Boston on January 27th. Come down and hang if you can.

Oh, and thanks for all the cards and gifts for the holidays. I really appreciate it. I love hearing from everyone.

On a grim but hopeful note the legendary comedian Ron Shock is ill with cancer, but we can help him beat it. Ron was on an early WTF and he is an influential comic who helped create the Texas storytelling style that inspired a young Bill Hicks. If you go to www.ronshock.com you can kick in a few sheckles to help Ron get the treatment he needs. You can also watch an amazing old video of Bill Hicks poolside before he left Houston for NYC and you can of course get yourself up to speed with the Shock catalog. Help if you can.

On a lighter note, I have a Twitter problem. I’m afraid to even clock how many hours of my life I spend refreshing mentions and crunching words. That said, if you aren’t following me on Twitter, I am @marcmaron. Bring it. Seriously though, it’s causing relationship issues. Is there a support group that anyone knows about? Maybe a Twitter rehab where you are only allowed to use Facebook and perhaps Myspace if that still exists. I need to wean myself from the Tweetage. It’s really is like crack and I can only see Facebook status updates as methadone or a gateway drug. But, seriously, I am @marcmaron. Pretend I didn’t just write that.

Also, does GPS cause fights for anyone else? I can' t yell at the machine so I tend to yell at my girlfriend on whose iPhone the machine resides.

On the show this week the mighty Bert Kreischer joins me on Monday. Bert is hilarious and pumped full of actual good energy. I had a great time talking to him. On Thursday the legendary comedic archetype that is Steven Wright hangs in the garage. I was nervous about this one because I have only met Wright briefly many years ago. I didn’t know if I could talk to him for an hour because I only really knew him from his act but we had an amazing chat and he is really sweet guy.

That’s all for now.


Charming & Gritty.

Happy New Year!

Dates! SLC Utah at Wiseguys Jan. 13-14! Atlanta, GA at The Laughing Skull Lounge Jan. 19-22! Boston at The Wilbur Theater Jan. 27! Stand up show and Live WTF. Come on out!

We’re a day into the new year and it seems to be going well. I know I do this often but I have to thank all of you again for supporting the show. Last year was an amazing year and I couldn’t be prouder of what we have accomplished. I want to thank everyone involved with the show, BM and Sam, the two Ashleys, Brian, Sheila, Olivia and the OWA/TAO crew, Blue Collar Distro, superfan Amy, our sponsors, people who donate and buy stuff and everyone who just listens and enjoys the show. Thank you, really, thanks so much. A special thanks to Jessica for loving me because I know it's not easy. I have a hard time with it.

I’ve been down here in Florida since Christmas Day. I spent 3 days in Key West and 3 days in Islamorada and 3 days at my mother's. If I was to do it again I would have switched the order a bit and put my mother's at the beginning because I think the way I did it may have erased my vacation.

Key West was charming and gritty. I think if there were about 90 percent fewer people it would have been amazing. I did go to the Hemingway House which was really fascinating for me. I have not really read much Hemingway, like almost none, maybe a couple of short stories. I know about him a bit: war, fishing, hunting, macho, bipolar, suicide, genius. What I didn’t know was: cats. The man loved cats. Right now there are 44 cats living on the premises and many of them have six toes. They are descendants from Hemingway’s original six-toed cat. He was a crazy cat guy with his own cat ranch. When I went and looked into his study where he did most of his best work you could smell the cat pee. I have something in common with Ernest Hemingway. Cat pee. I think I may be the only man on the planet with a renewed interest in Hemingway, a writer I had dismissed, because his studio smelled like cat piss. Let the reading begin.

6 toed cat

I spent 3 days in Islamorada at a resort I couldn’t really afford but it was spectacular. I was walking on the private beach and I had a moment when I thought, ‘Why can’t everyone enjoy a beach like this?’ Then I realized everyone can. They’re called public beaches and they are quite a different experience. I guess what I am saying is I understand capitalism a little more clearly and the delusional thinking that drives this economy. In other words, I need my own beach. A guy can dream can’t he?

This week we start 2012 with a live show we did at The Steve Allen Theater with Steve Mazan, Jonah Ray, Maronzio Vance, Eddie Pepitone, Jim Earl and MOJO NIXON. I loved Skid and Mojo, and when I found Mojo down in San Diego I was thrilled he wanted to drive up and do the show. It was great having him. He improvised a song Mojo-style.

I interviewed Russell Brand on December 13th. I planned to put it up in a few weeks, but given the recent event unfolding with his marriage, I thought it best to put it up now. We didn’t talk about it specifically but we did talk about it vaguely. It was a great interview. He is very quick on his mental feet.

Happy New Year!


My brain is burnt out.

Merry, Happy, Everyone-

Hope it is all going as well as possible…scratch that. I hope you are having a lovely holiday and are getting a bit of peace of mind and a little love around you. I’m going to keep this one short. I need to relax and re-charge. I hope that happens over the next week. My brain is burnt out yet continues to manufacture waves of panic and worry. It’s very difficult to deal with the massive slow down of everything during the holidays. I hardly got any emails over the last couple of days and I actually feel abandoned somehow.

Let me just remind people that I will be at Wiseguys Comedy Club in Salt Lake City, UT on January 13 and 14th if you are around for that. I am also very excited about the Magner’s Comedy Festival in Boston where I will be doing a standup show and a live WTF featuring some of the great comics I started out opening for like Kenny Rogerson, Mike Donovan, Tony V, Jimmy Tingle, Frank Santorelli and Barry Crimmins. Can't wait to see them. I will be at the Laughing Skull Lounge in Atlanta January 19th through 22nd also. I always have a good time at that place.

Interesting shows this week. On Monday I talk to Josh Blue. Some of you may know him from Last Comic Standing. He has CP yet is undaunted by his condition. I have a hard time performing if I feel fat. This chat really puts trivial problems into perspective. On Thursday Jeff Kahn and his wife Annabelle Gurwitch hang out in the garage. They are married and are both working in show biz. Jeff was one of the original writers for The Ben Stiller Show and Annabelle has written a few books and some of you may know her from Dinner and a Movie. They now perform and write together. If you are married you might want to listen to this. I personally was thrilled to not be married after I talked to them--In a good way.

Again, all the best to you and your families.
